In the age of technology there is nothing more powerful than words. The perfect set of words can make success while a poor choice of words can bring failure.
The MEDIA MARKETING MACHINE seems to always have a star word. This is a word that get adopted by companies trying to sell stuff. A good example is GREEN. Going Green, everybody is so you can buy this computer because its Green, eat at this restaurant because its gone Green, buy these close, watch this movie, drink this water because yes everyone its Green and Green is good for you and me.
Another is SMART. There are SMART phones, SMART technology, SMART cars, and reading the paper today i realized there is also SMART water, which is only purified tap water, so how can it be so smart unless maybe the company selling is pretty smart for selling something you can get for free at home.
WORDS have connotations,
- Connotation is a subjective cultural and/or emotional coloration in addition to the explicit or denotative meaning of any specific word
which is well nothing more than a made up belief or opinion about a word. I was reading an article about digital cameras and the author was trying to explain how the concept of a professional camera is wrong, that these are nothing more than STAR words, Power words used in marketing to create different classes of merchandise. When in fact any digital SLR in the market these days is hundred times more powerful than film cameras of yesterday with all their technological features. But by creating labels of Professional, Semi Professional, Advanced Enthusiast, Amateur, Beginner, well companies can sell more cameras which many are basically the same camera with a few more or less options than the other.
really jumps off the page doesn't it. Its a word of Power that has a very strong Connotation because we are so used to Professionals to do things for us. When we ache we want a professional to heal us. In education we want a Professional to enlighten us. So this is a very familia word that ensures quality.
But when you are buying something these hidden labels can really blind, confuse, mislead people to purchasing something they don't really need OR miss out on buying something that is good and differnty but not considered PROFESSIONAL or WONDERFUL or SMART or GREEN.
- A professional is a member of a vocation founded upon specialised educational training.
- The word professional traditionally means a person who has obtained a degree in a professional field. The term professional is used more generally to denote a white collar working person, or a person who performs commercially in a field typically reserved for hobbyists or amateurs.
really jumps off the page doesn't it. Its a word of Power that has a very strong Connotation because we are so used to Professionals to do things for us. When we ache we want a professional to heal us. In education we want a Professional to enlighten us. So this is a very familia word that ensures quality.
But when you are buying something these hidden labels can really blind, confuse, mislead people to purchasing something they don't really need OR miss out on buying something that is good and differnty but not considered PROFESSIONAL or WONDERFUL or SMART or GREEN.
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