Relying too much on our eyes we fall into the trap of not seeing the real. We are tricked by the illusions of the pretty face, the hot shiny new car, the high paying job, the fantasy of love and there is hell to pay when we finally see the reality of it.
How many people in relationships wake up one day and realize the person they are with is not who they thought they were. Chances are their mate is exactly as they have always been but the illusion has worn off and they are beginning to see the real deal....Shocker.
Look at Prince the musician. To further is music career he signed with company that offered him lots of money and lots of distribution and promotion...the illusion. The reality was the company wanted creative control over him and they did not follow through with what they had promised which lead to Prince's becoming the Artist Formerly Known as Prince or that funny little symbol.
This fantasy is where many of us get trapped in. The illusion of our hearts desire can really be the death of us...Like a conman who's selling us a fake Rolex with his left hand, while his right hand is stealing our wallets.
The trick is to use all our senses to play detective to get the facts and see if what we are seeing is really what we are seeing. Is that a great girl or is it a girl with good makeup who uses men to get what she wants. Is that a hot car or a high car payment and inflated car insurance payment. Hey Prince is that a great company or just a corporation who wants to capitalize on you and who doesn't give a damn about art nor music.
Deceptions is everywhere but we can avoid getting suckered by doing what Joe Friday use to say, "Just the facts, Ma'am."
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