Saturn is in Libra.
The planet of hard work, responsibility, and the chickens coming home to roost is in the sign of one-to-one partnerships.
When most people think of relationships they think of romantic relationships or their significant other. But your one-to-one relationships are much broader. Your accountant, your lawyer, your business partner, a close friend, your relationship with a parent, a child, or a sibling are other examples of one-to-one relationships.
When Saturn comes to the sign of Libra (or your 7th house), it is time to pay attention to your one-to-one relationships.
One way you will know that you have work to do is if a particular relationship starts to become difficult. That is your signal that you need to pay attention and put some effort into it. Again, as tempting as it is to lay the blame on your partner, the most effective tack is to review your role to see where you could have contributed to the difficulty and own up to it.
That also means that if you are the one doing all of the giving and too little of the receiving that you do your work to re-balance (Libra, the sign of the scales aims for balance). You do this by setting up boundaries, another very Saturn thing. So this is the time you might have to tell your partner what you will or will not put up with.
And then stick to your guns. Because healthy relationships are balanced. If nothing else, changing your behavior will change the dynamics between you and your partner. That alone can change the whole picture if you stay with it. In effect, you are working to bring your partnership back into balance. If your problems are more than you can handle, Saturn's presence in Libra suggests that getting an ally - an experienced, reputable partner who plays it straight such as a marriage counselor, or even if necessary, attorney, will be particularly helpful to steer you straight and keep you on track.
The gift of Saturn in Libra is the opportunity to build relationships that endure through good times and bad.
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