Having been on a learning astrological jouney this year as each month now I have tried to learn the energy of the sign the sun has been in. Currently we are in Scorpio which deals with the big stuff in our lives like taxes, death, sex, rebirth, and transformation.
It seems Scorpio is a very passionate sign but the biggest message I am getting after reading so many blogs about Scorpio is learning to go with the flow.
Scorpio is a water sign and like his elemental compatriots (Cancer & Pisces) the key is ‘flow”. Stagnant water creates nothing but problems . Look to nature and you will see larvae and murk in sluggish ponds. Interestingly, of the three water signs, Scorpio more than the other two knows in his soul that whenever he gives up control and lets go—he is rewarded.
Now I have been actually conteplating this these last few days of simply just surrendering and letting go as there as been very little activity in my life. I have spent the last two weeks simply devouring old episodes of Law and Order SVU which is a fantastic show right up there with CSI.
Having feeling a little guilty for not pushing myself to do something I now know that this is what i'm suppose to be doing. Just hang loose and stop all this getting somewhere stuff and just let life happen the way it's suppoe to happen.
Like the other day I was walking out of work and I ran into someone who I usually don't have an encounter with. Life has many opportunities like this if we just let them happen and go with the flow. Actually it is an interesting story. I was walking out of work and there is guy I hate talking to because he is always bitching about something. So I sat down and waited about a minute to let him walk ahead of me. If I had not done this I would not have run into the other person.
There have been many instances like this when I simply let go of trying to do something or get somewhere that life opens up and steers me into the right direction like fixing my computer the other day. I was all set on buying a new laptop but there was just something that would not let me hit the buy button on overstock. I pulled out my old laptop and reloaded windows and now its working good as new. Just saved myself some money and kept me from buying something that I didn't need.
But patience is hard sometimes as there can be a lot of waiting for things to happen as Top Petty said the waiting is the hardest part.
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