Sunday, July 31, 2011

learning math gives better brain...myagi and danielson style

All things are not as they seem in school.  I remember in high school people wondering why they had to learn geometry, algebra, and calculus.  While not to many people that I know got to learn the latter, the two fromers well I learned them and enjoyed it.  But not all things are what they seem.  Just like in the karate kid where Mr. Myagi had Daniel paint the fence, wash the car, and wax on and wax off, in order to teach karate, it seems that math in school teaches more than just match it also helps to develop the human brain in particular the frontal lobe where all higher cognitive functions take place.  In a recent study it showed that people are becoming more violent due to under developed front lobes caused by video games which only stimulate the eyes and the hands.  In contrast doing simple to answer match problems actually stimulates the frontal lobe more than video games. Frontal lobe is where planning, emotions, self control are all based.  So doing math actually helps you become a better person.  who knew.

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