Saturday, May 4, 2013

60Hz magnetic fields affect pineal gland

Pineal Gland - the seat of the soul?
Studies with human subjects who were exposed to 60Hz magnetic fields also showed this anomaly [6]. This is distressing to learn, since we are all literally surrounded by 60Hz electrical fields in our homes, at work and outside where power lines tower over almost every street. There is no escape from this type of radiation except to flea to remote, unpopulated areas. But even there, the pineal could be under siege.

Remember HAARP? The ionospheric heater invented and patented by by Richard Eastlund which was quickly seized by the Department of Defense, given to Raytheon, and developed into a weapon system? Part of the patent describes how powerful Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) radiation is capable of causing acute drowsiness and interfering with heat regulation --functions of the pineal gland [8]. No doubt this vulnerability has been exploited and refined in the decades since the technology was hi-jacked for an evil agenda. By now there may well be some global grid of "heaters" positioned to control the population and inhibit our spiritual evolution. We can only hope we are wrong. (We'll have more to say on this later.)

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