Sunday, December 25, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The Asian Paradox
This probably deserves a full post, but I’ll briefly discuss it here. I’m not going to sit here and claim that Asians don’t actually eat rice. They do. And they have for centuries while maintaining pretty good health and staying fairly lean. That’s changing nowadays, though, with the Westernization of their food. They’re eating more sugar and using vegetable oils for cooking, rather than traditional animal fats. These factors are deranging their metabolisms, turning the relatively benign rice starch into an enemy. It just suggests that carbs, in and of themselves, are benign in a metabolic vacuum. If you have everything else going right – insulin sensitivity, regular activity, absence of metabolic deranging foods like fructose, lectins, and excessive linoleic acid – pure starchy carbs aren’t going to be a big problem. But, especially in the States, we live in anything but a nutritional vacuum. We aren’t starting from ground zero. The overweight perimenopausal wife and mother of three working 50 hours a week is not starting from square one. She has an issue with glucose, one that might not be cured in a lifetime. For a person like that, avoidance of rice is recommended and probably necessary.We have to face facts. Deranged has become normal. Glucose intolerance – or perhaps “mishandling” is better – has become standard. Where rice belongs in your life depends on where you fall on the metabolic derangement continuum.
What are your views on rice? Do you avoid it like the plague? Have a little in certain dishes? Let me know in the comment board on Grok on!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Marinating Meat In Alcohol Found To Remove Carcinogens
Cooking food increases its levels of chemical compounds called heterocyclic amines (HAs), which can cause cancerous tumours. Frying and grilling meat is particularly dangerous, because the intense heat turns the sugars and amino acids of muscle tissue into high levels of the compounds. However scientists are gathering increasing amounts of evidence to show that the levels of HAs in cooked meat can be lowered by treating the food beforehand. Marinating steak in red wine or beer before frying – for six hours – cut levels of two types of HA by up to 90 per cent compared with untreated meat.
Beer was more efficient at reducing a third type of HA than wine, cutting levels significantly in four hours instead of six.
The researchers from the University of Porto in Portugal believe the alcoholic sauce cuts levels of the carcinogen by acting as a barrier preventing water-soluble molecules moving to the surface of the steak where they would be turned into HAs by the high temperature.
Previous research has shown that a red wine marinade has a similar effect on HA levels in fried chicken. A sauce made of olive oil, lemon juice and garlic lowered HA levels in grilled chicken by as much as 90 per cent.
Cooking meat on lower heat and for a shorter period of time also prevents dangerous levels of HAs forming.
you reach a certain point where you have some competence to what you are doing you have to stop and look and see where do you want to go. Many times the original idea or dream that got you started might not be where you want to continue. I don't feel the same about photography as when I first started. I am becoming or I am realizing that I am more right brain that I thought and well the structure and routine of treating photography as a business does not really interest me since I already have a job and there is so much competition out there.
I learning that I like more abstract more emotional types of creativity and that photography in itself is too rigid in its form and rules and even by mechanics alone of the way a photo is created. There are just too many boundaries that I really need to blur or dissolve or simply just destroy.
So in order to compete with the millions out there doing what I'm doing I have to really look and see what I bring to the table. Not what I do to make it the same shit that everyone else is doing but what is so unique about my life experience that can be incorporated in my creativity.
Toilet Seat
“I'm sick of this shit, Every fucking day is the same shit you leaving the toilet seat up Harold. Sick of it, sick sick sick.”
Harold opened his eyes to see Mary standing over him naked. He shuddered a bit but then realized that it wasn't all bad. Mary was up to something. Maybe she wanted to play hide the willy before she went off to work but then again he quickly remembered that her screaming at him had woken him up. He grabbed her ankles and smiled and gave a lets get in on look.
“Not this time lover boy.” mary said and she bent down over him with her crotch hovering over his face and began to urinate
Harold jumped up
“What the hell
“See how you like it.”
“You crazy I never peed on you.
“Sure you did you peed in the toilet then didn't flush and when I went in this morning I sat down and landed in your piss because you fucking left the seat up.”
Mary hit Harold on the stomach and got off the bed.
“Next time you do it its coming off.”
“you know Willy and his two friends.”
Right Brain
Those with a right-side dominant brain depend more on visual references for understanding and are often times visual learners.They are more emotional, swayed by feelings, and are able to better understand and reflect on these feelings. Furthermore, right-brained thinkers are very intuitive and curious about the world.
Finally, as a down side, they tend to be disorganized, lacking in time-management, and unable to prioritize well.
Abstraction = Right Brain
Right brained people may lean more towards abstract art, because of its lack of order and disorganization. Abstraction also gives no boundaries, so it can be considered more ‘outside-the-box’, or creative.Abstract art is also known to portray emotion, even with no hard visual evidence. A right brained person may more easily be able to pick up on an abstract piece’s deeper meaning.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
The definite departure of planet Neptune from your sign in 2012 is good news to you. Neptune might have been the main culprit for you feeling debilitated physically and mentally in the previous years. It might have brought you a lot of confusion and disappointment in your life. This year Neptune will leave your sign and will allow you to regroup your forces, to assess more objectively the situations around you and enter a more fulfilling and succesful road. Overall this year shows a significant amelioration on the socio-professional level. In the first half is likely to change some things in relation to your house and your family environment. From June on you will probably become more vigorous, optimistic, full of vitality and a burning desire to “create” (from artifacts to children)!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
The Pineal Gland secretes various hormones, two of which have been identified as Melatonin and Serotonin. Melatonin is secreted between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. and Serotonin between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. Both are anti-aging in nature and effect, especially Melatonin. Serotonin is a natural anti-depressant. Serotonin is secreted during sunlight hours. When melanated individuals (Black people) don?Äôt get enough sunlight, they naturally get depressed. This is due to lack of Serotonin. When melanated individuals don?Äôt get enough sleep during night- time, they prematurely age, the exception being the very creative people (e.g. Quaquaverals). People who get off into deep and vivid dreams secrete a lot of Melatonin.
our frequency of consciousness
Unhealthy, junk, foods lower our frequency of consciousness
Research has proven that healthy bodies vibrate at 60 MHz or higher. (Yes, they can finally measure it!) At lower frequencies, dis-eases can manifest and a person can experience struggle, illness, accidents, victimhood, anger, shame, guilt, feeling separated from Creator - the list goes on. At high frequency, a person can experience joy, happiness, balance, unconditional love, feeling a part of all things (Creator). Synchronicity and the ability to manifest what you desire are greatly increased at a higher frequency.
A few of the things that lower frequency and keep you stuck where you are include: heavy, processed, and junk foods; negative words, thoughts, actions, and feelings; negative people and situations; artificial synthesized materials such as fluorescent lights, synthetic fabrics, synthetic foods, vitamins, and medicines; working at a job you hate; and mainstream radio, television, and newspapers - particularly the news.
Try to avoid the above as much as possible.
Research has proven that healthy bodies vibrate at 60 MHz or higher. (Yes, they can finally measure it!) At lower frequencies, dis-eases can manifest and a person can experience struggle, illness, accidents, victimhood, anger, shame, guilt, feeling separated from Creator - the list goes on. At high frequency, a person can experience joy, happiness, balance, unconditional love, feeling a part of all things (Creator). Synchronicity and the ability to manifest what you desire are greatly increased at a higher frequency.
A few of the things that lower frequency and keep you stuck where you are include: heavy, processed, and junk foods; negative words, thoughts, actions, and feelings; negative people and situations; artificial synthesized materials such as fluorescent lights, synthetic fabrics, synthetic foods, vitamins, and medicines; working at a job you hate; and mainstream radio, television, and newspapers - particularly the news.
Try to avoid the above as much as possible.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Advice for Right Brain Students
- Choose to do personal essays
- Watch your daydreaming—keep it under control
- Let your imagination work for you in the arts
- Let your intuition work for you in social situations
- Let your deep thinking work for you during essay tests—but don’t ponder too long
- Be creative with essays. You can use colorful language well
- Use images and charts when you study
- Write down directions
- Try to be more organized!
- Don’t be overly suspicious of others
- Make outlines to organize your thoughts.
- Choose fiction in reading assignments
- Try to avoid teachers who lecture a lot; choose teachers who use activities
- You tell stories well, so write some!
- Put information into categories for better understanding
- Avoid getting bogged down by thinking of all possibilities when answering questions
- Finish things! You have so much talent, but you don’t always complete things.
To flourish in this age, we'll need to supplement our well-developed high tech abilities with aptitudes that are "high concept" and "high touch." High concept involves the ability to create artistic and emotional beauty, to detect patterns and opportunities, to craft a satisfying narrative, and to come up with inventions the world didn't know it was missing. High touch involves the capacity to empathize, to understand the subtleties of human interaction, to find joy in one's self and to elicit it in others, and to stretch beyond the quotidian in pursuit of purpose and meaning.
Monday, November 28, 2011
A negative Neptune transit in your natal chart could get you hooked on drugs, alcohol, prescribed pain pills, gambling, or some other addictive vice. You could literally fade away in some way, or knowingly disappear from a life that no longer holds any meaning for you. You could fall into a coma from an accident. You could become a hermit, or recluse because you find the world too harsh or too cruel. You could become a nun, monk, priest, minister, or rabbi or turn yourself over to a cult. All these things are ruled by Neptune.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thomas Edison said it best
Thomas Edison said it best, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
If you want to be a great writer, then you have to work hard to learn to express yourself clearly
If you want to be a great writer, then you have to work hard to learn to express yourself clearly
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
The One-Minute Writer
Today's Writing Prompt: Mountain
Write about a memory you have involving a mountain.Summer time in the Rockies age 12: fishing, camping, roasting marsh-mellows, sliding down the leaf ridden mountain side on card board boxes. Counting stars, seeing the fox, the deer, and picking my nose and wiping it on my friends shirt while he slept. Well that's what he did to me anyway, but it was his shirt. So, ha ha.
By giving our power away to physicality we sacrifice a part of our spirit (Neptune) to the material world (Saturn), this is where we over-strategize and overindulge materially without regard for spirit.
By giving our power away to the ideal (Neptune) we lose sight of practical requirements necessary to efficient functioning in physical reality. Both planets reflect the illusion of dis-empowerment.
Better said you become too materialistic you lose your soul you become too spiritual the bills don't get paid.
By giving our power away to the ideal (Neptune) we lose sight of practical requirements necessary to efficient functioning in physical reality. Both planets reflect the illusion of dis-empowerment.
Better said you become too materialistic you lose your soul you become too spiritual the bills don't get paid.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
November 14th Creative Writing Prompt
Megan Sanders stepped out of the cab on the worst day of her life. She had been laid off from her job she'd been at for ten years and early this morning she got a call from the mechanic telling her her car needed a new transmission and would cost 1200 dollars to fix. Add the severe rain Chicago had been having all week.
She paid the driver ten dollars and gave him a five dollar tip. She was a sweet girl who always tipped even when she needed the money herself but she figured she would do without Starbucks today.
She turned around with the naive notion that things could not get any worse in her life and that good fortune would soon have to visit her. Then she saw...Harry.
Creative Writing Prompt – November 21st
We sat out over looking the world. It seemed so small from where we sat and Sally giggled a bit at the fact that the people down below looked like ants and we were as big as God. I put my arm around her and smiled. She had a way of saying things just right from time to time.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Writer's block the Neptunian conflict
Creativity is said to stem from a Neptune planetary influence. Neptune is symbolize by the sea. In my creativity I struggle with creative blocks. I have these wild expansive ideas but when it comes to turning them into tangible art I can not do it. It is like pulling teeth with tweezers. Impossible, painful, insane, and something that makes creating something to fear. I had to think about what I was trying to do for a second. Creativity, the ideas that come to me are so floating and boundless and any time of bounding such as photography or writing is simply trying to put structure on a massive ocean that cannot and will not be contained for the very moment you put the words down on the page for a novel you begin to kill the creative vision. It does not want to be captured. It would be like trying to contain an ocean with a dixie cup. Impossible.
Saturn in the planet of structure boudning boundaires and limitations. Neptune is beyond breaking the boundaries of Uranus it is beyond anything it is int he mystical. The dream In a totally different dimension. Still to live on this earth we have to deal with Saturn aspects the reality of life. Some how there has to be a compromise
Creativity is said to stem from a Neptune planetary influence. Neptune is symbolize by the sea. In my creativity I struggle with creative blocks. I have these wild expansive ideas but when it comes to turning them into tangible art I can not do it. It is like pulling teeth with tweezers. Impossible, painful, insane, and something that makes creating something to fear. I had to think about what I was trying to do for a second. Creativity, the ideas that come to me are so floating and boundless and any time of bounding such as photography or writing is simply trying to put structure on a massive ocean that cannot and will not be contained for the very moment you put the words down on the page for a novel you begin to kill the creative vision. It does not want to be captured. It would be like trying to contain an ocean with a dixie cup. Impossible.
Saturn in the planet of structure boudning boundaires and limitations. Neptune is beyond breaking the boundaries of Uranus it is beyond anything it is int he mystical. The dream In a totally different dimension. Still to live on this earth we have to deal with Saturn aspects the reality of life. Some how there has to be a compromise
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Neptune in 2nd money and income troubles
You may prefer not to attach too much value to money, but if this is overdone, there can be quite a few problems in life concerning money and ownership. You might make money through artistic pursuits, but must avoid the potential pitfalls of putting too much faith in ideas that don't have enough grounding in reality. Financial advice is important to obtain. You may have developed a non-materialistic personal philosophy. This might work well for you, but it could also lead to impractical attitudes and money problems. When it comes to making money, you tend to act on hunches and intuition. You might have faith that you will come into money one day, or daydream a lot about being wealthy. The trick is to have faith in your own self-worth. If you frequently have money problems, you might want to examine whether you truly are not attached to material things, or if it stems from undervaluing your own worth or value. When Neptune is in good condition in the second house, there can be a sense that you are wealthy no matter what you actually have, and this faith can bring you exactly what you need. If Neptune is challenged, you may be glossing over practical details and money can too easily slip through your fingers. You might be especially generous, but avoid situations where you get the short end of the stick financially speaking if they lead to feelings of resentment.
Neptune in 2nd llusions about money and income and how to make it
Depending on the aspects, people with Neptune in 2nd in their natal charts may have illusions about money and income and how to make it. They may not put too much actual action and thought into making money or neither how to spend it. And this is the reason why usually people with this placement have money problems and don't usually have a lot of material weatlh. It could be also that these people don't find money interesting or anyway necessary for their happiness, but still when they have money problems, they are not in alignment to make changes in their thinking towards money and think that their thoughts about money could be the source of these money problems.
But this is not the case always. With great aspects, people with this aspect could make money by forming illusions to other people - like making movies or writing books, performing arts etc.
But this is not the case always. With great aspects, people with this aspect could make money by forming illusions to other people - like making movies or writing books, performing arts etc.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The Face of Saturn
Saturn represents the intensity of one’s ambition, the inner pressure to become or accomplish something. Saturn also indicates the Achilles heel, the mind-set in which doubt and fear or an overly conservative attitude works against success. When Saturn is strong in a businessperson’s chart, they run a tight ship with an authoritarian management style and excellent administrative abilities.
Monday, September 26, 2011
How to find your passion...she knows here stuff
Passion Webinar: Jen Gresham on Careers from Leo Babauta on Vimeo.
I like to re watch this just to remember about finding my passions and finding out what I don't like. A lot of things are out of sight and out of mind in this life and if you don't keep them right there are you doorstep they get shoved in that little back corner in the closet where the moth balls gather. We have to keep our goals in sight.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
The Cars Heartbeat City
The first album I ever bought. Kenny Rogers the Gambler was the first album that I got. It was an eight track that I broke my dad's eight track player because I listned to it so much.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
THE MARGIN OF ERROR - mistakes human nature
How munch of a margin of error do you have in your life
Do you give yourself room to, to put it bluntly, fuck up.
Giving yourself little or no room to mess up can make you a total fucking nut job you will become so tightly wound that you will stress out over the simplest things
the littlest things
the littlest things
A this just creates more and more anxiety there are things that probably require a zero margin of error like rocket science flying and landing a air plane and preforming surgery
but most of us are not doing these thing we are simply living our lives stressed over not messing up
if you fail badly or totally screw something up it is not the end of the world
as u can see doctors do make mistake that go bad
rocket scientists do screw up ad space shuttle,s break at the wrong time
truth making mistakes and errors is human nature we are not robots and computers where everything is so measures and precise we have to have room to breathe and make errors no matter how much we want perfection
but most of us are not doing these thing we are simply living our lives stressed over not messing up
if you fail badly or totally screw something up it is not the end of the world
as u can see doctors do make mistake that go bad
rocket scientists do screw up ad space shuttle,s break at the wrong time
truth making mistakes and errors is human nature we are not robots and computers where everything is so measures and precise we have to have room to breathe and make errors no matter how much we want perfection
If one wants to be active, one must not be afraid of going wrong, one must not be afraid of making mistakes now and then. Many people think that they will become good just by doing no harm -- but that's a lie.... That way lies stagnation, mediocrity. VINCENT VAN GOGH, letter to Theo van Gogh, Oct. 1884 The errors of a man are what make him really lovable. JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE, The Maxims and Reflections of Goethe It is much easier at all times to prevent an evil than to rectify mistakes.GEORGE WASHINGTON, letter to James McHenry, Aug. 10, 1798 If you live long enough, you'll make mistakes. But if you learn from them, you'll be a better person.BILL CLINTON Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. OSCAR WILDE, Lady Windermere's Fan It is with pleasure I receive reproof, when reproof is due, because no person can be readier to accuse me, than I am to acknowledge an error, when I am guilty of one; nor more desirous of atoning for a crime, when I am sensible of having committed it. GEORGE WASHINGTON, letter to Governor Dinwiddie, Aug. 27, 1757 Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.NAPOLEON BONAPARTE If common sense were as unerring as calculus, as some suggest, I don't understand why so many mistakes are made so often by so many people. CARY WINKEL, as quoted in Explaining One's Self to Others: Reason-Giving in a Social Context To err is human, but it feels divine.MAE WEST, The Wit and Wisdom of Mae West A double error sometimes sets us right.PHILIP JAMES BAILEY, Festus To rectify past blunders is impossible, but we might profit by the experience of them. GEORGE WASHINGTON, letter to Fielding Lewis, Jul. 6, 1780 Hindsight is of little value in the decision-making process. It distorts our memory for events that occurred at the time of the decision so that the actual consequence seems to have been a "foregone conclusion." Thus, it may be difficult to learn from our mistakes.DIANE F. HALPERN, Thought and Knowledge An expert is someone who knows some of the worst mistakes that can be made in his subject and how to avoid them.WERNER HEISENBERG, Physics and Beyond I can bear to hear of imputed or real errors. The man who wishes to stand well in the opinion of others must do this; because he is thereby enabled to correct his faults, or remove prejudices which are imbibed against him. GEORGE WASHINGTON, letter to Joseph Reed, Jan. 14, 1776 All men may err; but he that keepeth not his folly, but repenteth, doeth well; but stubbornness cometh to great trouble.SOPHOCLES, Antigone Hindsight, or our ability to see our past clearly, is a learning function that, when damaged ... renders us unable to look at the past to guide ourselves through the present and into the future. Without this ability, we cannot learn from our mistakes. We cannot clean up the wreckage of our actions. We are locked into a cycle of repeating the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. This is commonly known as the definition of insanity. BARBARA S. COLE, The Gifts of Sobriety We ought not to look back, unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dear bought experience. To enveigh against things that are past and irremediable, is unpleasing; but to steer clear of the shelves and rocks we have struck upon, is the part of wisdom, equally as incumbent on political as other men, who have their own little bark, or that of others, to navigate through the intricate paths of life, or the trackless ocean, to the haven of security and rest. GEORGE WASHINGTON, letter to Major-General Armstrong, Mar. 26, 1781 It's a good deal easier to resist the first step on the road to ruin than any of the thousand that inevitably follow.MARK FROST, The List of Seven If you don't have a margin for error, error kills you.S. M. STIRLING, The Sunrise Lands There are people who make no mistakes because they never wish to do anything worth doing. JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE, The Maxims and Reflections of Goethe Mistakes occur through haste, never through doing a thing leisurely. CHINESE PROVERB No error is infused into the young mind, to lie there dormant, or to be reproduced only when the subject of thought or action recurs to which the error belongs; but the error becomes a model or archetype, after whose likeness the active powers of the mind create a thousand other errors.HORACE MANN, Thoughts If you insist on disavowing that which is ugly about what you do ... you will never learn from your mistakes.CASSANDRA CLARE, City of Bones To make mistakes is human, but to profit from them is divine.ELBERT HUBBARD, The American Bible The best lessons a man ever learns are from his mistakes. It is not for want of schoolmasters that we are still ignorant. HENRY WARD BEECHER, Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit It is not so difficult a task to plant new truths, as to root out old errors; for there is this paradox in men, they run after that which is new, but are prejudiced in favour of that which is old. CHARLES CALEB COLTON, Lacon Though you may be last to discover your follies, be always first to correct them. NORMAN MACDONALD, Maxims and Moral Reflections It is a very hard and troublesome thing to dispose of whole, half, and quarter-mistakes; to sift them and assign the portion of truth to its proper place.JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE, The Maxims and Reflections of Goethe We are never so liable to fall into an error, as when we have just escaped from one.NORMAN MACDONALD, Maxims and Moral Reflections Even honest men mistake oftener in their own favor than in other peoples.FULKE GREVILLE, Maxims, Characters and Reflections I prefer being wrong in my own way to being right in someone else's. YEVGENY ZAMYATIN, Contemporary Russian Literature Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. |
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Grading things...destroys them
- Mr Huo, according to what you say, you really don't know the nature of tea.
- It's not that I don't know, I really don't want to know, because I don't care about evaluating teas. Tea is tea. But each tea has its own character and properties. What is the purpose of grading ? These many teas are grown in nature, all of them. Is there a discernable difference ?
- Yes, once you learn this, you can tell the difference between the teas.
- What you say may be right, but the way I see it, the tea does not judge itself. It's people that judge its grading. Different people chose different things. As for me, as far as I'm concerned, I just don't want to make any choice.
- Is that so ?
- Drinking tea is a mood, really. If you are in a good mood, the grade of tea doesn't matter.
- I've never looked at it like that. I understand that there are many wushu fighting styles. Are you saying no style is greater than another ?
- That's what I'm saying.
- If that's true, I want to ask you, if wushu does not differ in any way, why then do we fight each other ?
- I believe for all the styles of wushu, there is no single one that is superior. All of those who practice different styles of wushu, they would naturally have a different level of skill. Through competition, we can discover ourselves.
- What you just said makes me have more respect for you. Enjoy
- You first
For the items themselves don't grade themselves, it is people who say this is good and that is bad when in reality there is no good nor everything has a strength and everything has a weakness.
If you are enjoying what your doing with what you have then that is all that matters. When we start grading we begin to be unhappy.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Metallica - Fuel for becoming more Yang
I must say when it comes to the world being so Yin these days listening to Metallica really gets the chi going and creates an intense surge of Yang energy....
Yin foods.
Raw vegetables, and even more so fruits, juices, sugars, alcohol and drugs are more yin (watery and expansive).
Also, anything made with water is much more yin such as soups, smoothies, and watery foods such as eggplant and all fruits.
Dried fruits are less watery, but are still extremely yin due to their sugar content. Most raw plants and herbs are also very yin.
Also, chopping a food into tiny parts, grinding it up, blending it, pureeing it, or juicing it also causes the substance to become much more yin in nature.
In contrast, whole foods that are not chopped up are more yang. Let us discuss specific types of foods:
Also, anything made with water is much more yin such as soups, smoothies, and watery foods such as eggplant and all fruits.
Dried fruits are less watery, but are still extremely yin due to their sugar content. Most raw plants and herbs are also very yin.
Also, chopping a food into tiny parts, grinding it up, blending it, pureeing it, or juicing it also causes the substance to become much more yin in nature.
In contrast, whole foods that are not chopped up are more yang. Let us discuss specific types of foods:
Traditional Chinese medical practitioners would say the reason for so many yin bodies is deficient chi or vital energy. Many factors can deplete the chi including one's diet, lifestyle, stress and other factors.
In particular, since 1940 or so, several factors have combined to render most bodies extremely yin.
· Ionizing radiation. The atomic bomb, through testing and accidents, has spread radioactive fallout all over the planet. Low-level emissions occur from nuclear power plants, smoke detectors, computer monitors, television sets and fluorescent lamps. Widespread medical and dental use of x-rays, radioactive dyes and radiation therapy add to radiation exposure. Uranium mining is another source of low-level contamination. Fortunately, humanity has learned a lot about radioactive fallout and the safety is improving. However, the problem of rogue nations developing weapons and using them remains a serious problem.
· Electromagnetic pollution. This is also very yin and growing at an astronomical rate with the advent of cell phone towers everywhere, computers in every home, especially laptop computers and hand-held devices like portable telephones. These all give off fields that are very yin and chaotic. Riding in airplanes with large spinning turbines in them near your head, and even riding in automobiles with large alternators spinning nearby also give off electromagnetic waves of varying degrees of chaos. Even house wiring and common radio and TV signals are quite yin, though not nearly as bad as cell phone radiation.
· Toxic metals and chemicals everywhere. Industrial development and growth of the chemical industry has spread thousands of yin toxic chemicals throughout the environment. These include toxic metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum and beryllium. It also includes thousands of toxic chemicals such as solvents, pesticides, plastics and many other classes of compounds.
· Changes in the food supply. These have been massive in the 20th and 21st century, and almost all are more yin. They include: soils depleted of minerals due to soil mining, essentially, use of hybrid crops, use of pesticides, use of superphosphate fertilizers. For example, wild fruit, like crab apples, are small, hard and not too sweet. Cultivated fruit is often larger and sweeter (more yin).
Also, food is grown far away and transported thousands of miles in many cases to get to you. Also, some is irradiated, another very yin procedure.
Also, food is grown far away and transported thousands of miles in many cases to get to you. Also, some is irradiated, another very yin procedure.
· Food refining. Most food processing and refining have made food far more yin. This includes refining of wheat, sugar, rice and other grains. It also includes adding thousands of toxic chemicals to prepared food, most of which are yin or have a yin effect.
· Dietary changes. The diets have also become more yin, with the consumption of much more white sugar, white flour instead of whole grains, and less red meat and fat consumption. Items like soda pop, beer and wine are also far more yin than water, tea or coffee. Sugar-eating is probably the most important of all of these dietary shifts.
· Medical drug use. This is a more yang approach to health care than some types, but now has turned yin because it is so overused. Especially the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in America in 1967 and similar socialized programs in other nations, have resulted in tremendous use of yin chemicals as medicines. Almost all prescription drugs are yin. This includes most popular drugs such as antibiotics, anti depressants and many others. Surgery and radiation therapy are also extremely yin.
· Recreational drug and alcohol use. This includes marijuana, heroine, alcohol, tobacco, ecstasy and other psychedelics, all of which are very yin.
· Planetary pollution. This has caused a mixture of more yin and more yang conditions. As explained earlier, toxic metals are yang, of themselves, but they cause chaos in the bodies, making them much more yin. Oxygen in the air is reduced in the cities, which is more yang. However, this also causes disease that is yin. Polluted air, water and food, overall, has a very yin effect on mankind today.
· Planetary cycles play a role. "The age of Aquarius" is not just the name of a song. It is a planetary position in the 25,000-year cycle of our solar system through the Milky Way as the galaxy revolves around our central sun located in the Pleiades. It will last about 2000 years. Its qualities are a time of change, reflection, questioning and the chaos that goes with it. It began around 1940 and will last until about 3100.
It is a time when a more yang approach to life and yangizing influences are needed to offset new ideas and concepts which tend to be yin. It is also an age of information which is yin and it is a radioactive age – with nuclear weapons and so on, which is also very yin and these must be balanced with a more yang diet and lifestyle and attitudes that are more yang such as taking responsibility for oneself. The former age, the Piscean age, by contrast was a more yang time with lead in the environment, for instance, and required more fruit and juices and salads in the diet than is required today.
It is a time when a more yang approach to life and yangizing influences are needed to offset new ideas and concepts which tend to be yin. It is also an age of information which is yin and it is a radioactive age – with nuclear weapons and so on, which is also very yin and these must be balanced with a more yang diet and lifestyle and attitudes that are more yang such as taking responsibility for oneself. The former age, the Piscean age, by contrast was a more yang time with lead in the environment, for instance, and required more fruit and juices and salads in the diet than is required today.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Needing the Big Void...Universe will fill it
Astrology and Breaking Destructive Psychological Patterns In Relationship
Elsa talks about the big void...we all need it to bring the good and new. as she says if you create a void in your life the universe will fill it.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Are You A Sugar Junkie?
Are you tired of looking good on the outside but feeling bad on the inside?
Maybe you have a lot of potential, but you can be moody, impulsive, angry, tired, restless, overwhelmed and stressed out. Or you are overweight, flirting with diabetes, struggling with depression, drinking more than you want to or working hard to keep your eating disorder hidden from others. Are you plagued with low self-esteem and hopelessness even though you act like everything is all right?
Are you driven by cravings and need sugar, alcohol or excitement to keep you from feeling helpless or hopeless? You probably tell yourself things aren’t so bad and you can stop anytime. But you can’t and things keep getting worse.
you probably think your sugar addiction is about lack of willpower or discipline or motivation. It is not. It is about your biochemistry. You were born with a body that responds to sugar, alcohol and refined carbohydrates differently than other people
. You are sugar sensitive. Sugar acts like a drug in your body. In fact, it affects the very same brain chemicals that morphine, heroin and amphetamines do.
Because you have a sugar-sensitive body, you can be addicted to sugar. You can’t NOT eat it. And because you are sugar sensitive, the “high” you get from eating sugar is actually heightened. Sugar addiction is not a joke or a fad. It is a serious problem for your health and happiness. |
Being sugar sensitive means you have unstable blood sugar, low serotonin and low beta endorphin. All three are out of balance. When this happens, you feel bad and you cannot will or medicate or talk your way into feeling better. Therapy, self-help or 12-step programs alone cannot heal you either because they do not heal the cause of your addiction: your sugar-sensitive biochemistry.
If you are sugar sensitive, what and when you eat has a huge impact on how you feel. Eating a diet high in sugar, refined flour, alcohol and junk foods makes your sugar sensitivity - and your moods - out of control.
When your sugar-sensitive body is in balance, life is good. When it is out of balance, life is miserable.
Monday, August 22, 2011
hypoglycemia is responsible for the overproduction of adrenaline.
Sugar addiction means that you are hypoglycemic and hypoglycemia is responsible for the overproduction of adrenaline.
When the brain is starved of glucose (glucose ---> biological energy) it will rely on adrenaline to raise blood sugar levels.
coming off days or weeks of sugar addiction a person can get tence and anxious. The ability to relax or turn off repetitive thoughts is diminished as well as the ability to sleep as the body is surging with adreanaline.
Some claim to fo feel wired with adrenalin and might spend hours and hours on the computer madly focused on nothing in particular.
It takes some time for the body to be adapted to a more natural diet. It needs the missing vitamins and minerals to metabolize glucose into energy. It is very difficult to get these vitamins and minerals in our diet nowadays, because we don't eat a natural diet anymore. Everything is manufactured and polluted with chemicals in order to extend the shop life of food.
When the brain is starved of glucose (glucose ---> biological energy) it will rely on adrenaline to raise blood sugar levels.
coming off days or weeks of sugar addiction a person can get tence and anxious. The ability to relax or turn off repetitive thoughts is diminished as well as the ability to sleep as the body is surging with adreanaline.
Some claim to fo feel wired with adrenalin and might spend hours and hours on the computer madly focused on nothing in particular.
It takes some time for the body to be adapted to a more natural diet. It needs the missing vitamins and minerals to metabolize glucose into energy. It is very difficult to get these vitamins and minerals in our diet nowadays, because we don't eat a natural diet anymore. Everything is manufactured and polluted with chemicals in order to extend the shop life of food.
low sugar levels=BAD decisions
Research studies say that low blood sugar levels are associated with LOWER overall blood flow to the brain, which means more BAD decisions
Processed white sugar is an addictive chemical
processed white sugar has no nutritive value left. White sugar has been distilled from brown sugar which was distilled from molasses. The molasses came from sugar cane or sugar beets
Processed sugars such as white, powdered, brown, molasses, and even honey have had some or all of their chemical bonds broken down between their basic components due to the amount of processing .
Processed sugars present as a simple potent sugar which is easily and quickly absorbed by the body.
Continuous large doses of sugar and/or carbohydrates, overtime, usually cause the brain's endorphins sites to slow production or close sites to regulate the amount of endorphins in the brain.
When the body cuts back on endorphin production it reduces the amount of endorphins available in the body at any given time. The lack of enough endorphin in the brain causes slight to deep depression.
To maintain a normal level of endorphins in the brain the individual must eat more sugar and/or carbohydrates to get out of depression and maintain a normal mood level. This causes a vicious cycle of addiction
when processed sugar is stopped there are two chemical related reasons for the resulting depression. There is glut of insulin depressing the system and the lack of endorphins in the brain.
Processed sugars such as white, powdered, brown, molasses, and even honey have had some or all of their chemical bonds broken down between their basic components due to the amount of processing .
Processed sugars present as a simple potent sugar which is easily and quickly absorbed by the body.
Continuous large doses of sugar and/or carbohydrates, overtime, usually cause the brain's endorphins sites to slow production or close sites to regulate the amount of endorphins in the brain.
When the body cuts back on endorphin production it reduces the amount of endorphins available in the body at any given time. The lack of enough endorphin in the brain causes slight to deep depression.
To maintain a normal level of endorphins in the brain the individual must eat more sugar and/or carbohydrates to get out of depression and maintain a normal mood level. This causes a vicious cycle of addiction
when processed sugar is stopped there are two chemical related reasons for the resulting depression. There is glut of insulin depressing the system and the lack of endorphins in the brain.
DOPAMINE single mindedness, focus, pursuing your goals.
by pursuing certain behaviors--single-mindedly focusing on a project, for instance--a person might increase that dopamine drive.
goal-directed behavior (or the lack of it) tends to stand out as a major personality trait.
Put simply, some of us are motivated to pursue goals and others are not.
"When our dopamine system is active, we are more positive, excited, and eager to go after goals and rewards, whether it's food, sex, money, education, or professional achievement
people who are goal-directed are not only more motivated but are generally happier. have strong feelings of elation because you are moving toward achieving an important goal are biochemically based, though they can be modified by experience."
goal-directed behavior (or the lack of it) tends to stand out as a major personality trait.
Put simply, some of us are motivated to pursue goals and others are not.
"When our dopamine system is active, we are more positive, excited, and eager to go after goals and rewards, whether it's food, sex, money, education, or professional achievement
people who are goal-directed are not only more motivated but are generally happier. have strong feelings of elation because you are moving toward achieving an important goal are biochemically based, though they can be modified by experience."
DOPAMINE can overtake the rational parts of your brain."
Fisher suspects that the dopamine high of first love is meant to be a merely transient pleasure. "When I first started looking at the properties of infatuation, they had some of the same elements of a cocaine high: sleeplessness, loss of a sense of time, absolute focus on love to the detriment of all around you. People walk out of marriages, abandon children. Infatuation can overtake the rational parts of your brain."
Much of what we know about the effects of dopamine comes from studies on rodents. Exposure to chronic mild stress leads to an "animal model of depression" characterized by decreased responsiveness to rewards and reduced sexual and aggressive behaviors. "Learned helplessness," the "forced swim test," and "effort expenditure" effectively brow-beat the little guys into a "what’s the use in trying" state, easily observable by decreased locomotion or lack of effort in going after rewards.
Move Over, Heroin: “Sugar Addiction” May Be a Reality | Discoblog | Discover Magazine
Move Over, Heroin: “Sugar Addiction” May Be a Reality | Discoblog | Discover Magazine
Many people (Discoblog editors included) who crave that mid-afternoon cookie fix may joke that they have a sugar addiction, but now scientists have made it official. Researchers at Princeton University report that sugar-loving mice demonstrate all three criteria of addiction: increased intake, withdrawal, and cravings that lead to relapse.
Previous work has shown that mice deprived of food for several hours and then allowed to binge on sugar water (with concentrations similar to that of soft drinks) soon developed addictive behaviors. Sugar intake causes the release of dopamine in the brain, a reward chemical. After a month of sugar binging and increased dopamine levels, the rats’ brains developed fewer dopamine receptors and more opioid receptors—changes similar to those observed in mice on cocaine and heroine.
When their sugar supply was suddenly cut off, the mice exhibited signs of withdrawal, including teeth-chattering, anxiety, and refusing to leaving their tunnels. The latest research showed that when these mice were offered sugar once again, they worked harder to attain it and consumed more than ever.
Cookies today, cocaine tomorrow? We hope not, but that leftover Halloween stash could act as a sort of gateway drug, the researchers say. The changes in brain chemistry made the mice more susceptible to other forms of addiction: When the sugar-addicted mice were cut off from their sugar supply, they binged on alcohol instead.
Many people (Discoblog editors included) who crave that mid-afternoon cookie fix may joke that they have a sugar addiction, but now scientists have made it official. Researchers at Princeton University report that sugar-loving mice demonstrate all three criteria of addiction: increased intake, withdrawal, and cravings that lead to relapse.
Previous work has shown that mice deprived of food for several hours and then allowed to binge on sugar water (with concentrations similar to that of soft drinks) soon developed addictive behaviors. Sugar intake causes the release of dopamine in the brain, a reward chemical. After a month of sugar binging and increased dopamine levels, the rats’ brains developed fewer dopamine receptors and more opioid receptors—changes similar to those observed in mice on cocaine and heroine.
When their sugar supply was suddenly cut off, the mice exhibited signs of withdrawal, including teeth-chattering, anxiety, and refusing to leaving their tunnels. The latest research showed that when these mice were offered sugar once again, they worked harder to attain it and consumed more than ever.
Cookies today, cocaine tomorrow? We hope not, but that leftover Halloween stash could act as a sort of gateway drug, the researchers say. The changes in brain chemistry made the mice more susceptible to other forms of addiction: When the sugar-addicted mice were cut off from their sugar supply, they binged on alcohol instead.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Living LIFE instead of Thinking LIFE
For much time I've always had a plan for life. I had an outline of what I wanted to do, how I was going to do it, and how it was all destined to turn out.
At this point I can say that none of it has worked out the way I had planned, dreamed, or thought it would. I can honestly say that I have been thinking LIFE my whole life. Not simply living life where you no longer think about what you are going to do and how you are going to do it but simply do what you know how to do whether it works or doesn't you have to realize that you are not ever in control of the outcome. You are only in control of some extent.
Bruce Lee practiced his moves till they became second nature. His kung-fu became a part of him and he no longer had to think about what he was doing, how he was suppose to do it; it just worked. His attacks were lighting quick and very effective because he didn't have to think about things.
Today I took over a co-workers equipment and saw how puzzled he was on how to execute the transfer. In my mind it was easy. Detach the camera from his neck, give to me, and I place camera around my neck. Easy. But he struggled with thinking. It froze him and it took him a while before he took action.
I think that thinking life is like playing chess. You say, if I do this then this might happen or if I do that then that might happen. Instead of just making a move. Sure you might lose but eventually you will become good at losing and eventually you will start to win. Thinking LIFE might be centered around fear of losing what ever we feel we might lose. So we hesitate and contemplate what the right move is.
Taoism teaches us wu wei to simply do what is needed to the best that we can. Letting the outcome unfold by itself the way nature intended for it to. This can be very scary for many people who have always been taught that losing or making mistakes is bad. Its bad if you are attached but perhaps the secret is simply to let go...let go of control...and go with the flow.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
"It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place.
In reference to an evolutionary system, continuing adaptation is needed in order for a species to maintain its relative fitness amongst the systems being co-evolved with
Graphic design
Graphic design is a creative process – most often involving a client and a designer and usually completed in conjunction with producers of form (i.e., printers, programmers, signmakers, etc.) – undertaken in order to convey a specific message (or messages) to a targeted audience. The term "graphic design" can also refer to a number of artistic and professional disciplines that focus on visual communication and presentation. The field as a whole is also often referred to as Visual Communication or Communication Design. Various methods are used to create and combine words, symbols, and images to create a visual representation of ideas and messages. A graphic designer may use typography, visual arts and page layout techniques to produce the final result. Graphic design often refers to both the process (designing) by which the communication is created and the products (designs) which are generated.
Common uses of graphic design include identity (logos and branding), web sites, publications (magazines, newspapers, and books), advertisements and product packaging. For example, a product package might include a logo or other artwork, organized text and pure design elements such as shapes and color which unify the piece. Composition is one of the most important features of graphic design, especially when using pre-existing materials or diverse elements.
Common uses of graphic design include identity (logos and branding), web sites, publications (magazines, newspapers, and books), advertisements and product packaging. For example, a product package might include a logo or other artwork, organized text and pure design elements such as shapes and color which unify the piece. Composition is one of the most important features of graphic design, especially when using pre-existing materials or diverse elements.
heavy government spending on education
A Communist Youth League member at one of China's top science universities, she boasts enviable skills in calligraphy, piano, flute and pingpong.
Such gifted young women are increasingly common in China's cities and make up the most educated generation of women in Chinese history. Never have so many been in college or graduate school, and never has their ratio to male students been more balanced.
To thank for this, experts say, is three decades of steady Chinese economic growth, heavy government spending on education and a third, surprising, factor: the one-child policy.
People are the backbone of every not invest in your people is...suicide
economic growth tends to reduce family size
Some demographers argue that China's fertility rate would have fallen sharply even without the one-child policy because economic growth tends to reduce family size. In that scenario, Chinese girls may have gotten more access to education anyway, though the gains may have been more gradual.
Perhaps this is why the American fertility rate is growing...and our economic growth is dwindling.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Managing Resources
Managing Resources-- Often times, people automatically believe that I am referring to money when this point is raised. If your only resource is money, you are in dire trouble. If it is your first thought that resources is a euphemism for money, you are ignoring most of the value in your life. You will miss out as a result.
Resources refer to any value that you can trade or any substance you need for daily well-being.
In ancient times, it could have been Mammoth meat. In the modern era, it could be your brain power or the sweat of your brow. It could also be an entertaining story.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
THE JAZZ CHILL CORNER: WLOQ 103.1FM ORLANDO DROPS SMOOTH JAZZ FORMAT: 103.1 FM / WLOQ in Orlando has recently been sold and is in the process of switching formats from Smooth Jazz to an unknown format. At midnight on August 1, WLOQ's smooth jazz format moved exclusively online, and the station began stunting as "Elvis 103.1" until the new format is unveiled. The station initially signed on the air in 1966 as WLOQ-FM and at the time the format was all instrumental “beautiful” music through 1977. The station programmed what became the Smooth Jazz format from 1977 to 2011. In 2011, after CEO John Gross retired for medical reasons, WLOQ was sold to TTB Media Corporation. Here is a message posted online from the CEO of the station:
Monday, August 1, 2011
Sunday, July 31, 2011
learning math gives better brain...myagi and danielson style
All things are not as they seem in school. I remember in high school people wondering why they had to learn geometry, algebra, and calculus. While not to many people that I know got to learn the latter, the two fromers well I learned them and enjoyed it. But not all things are what they seem. Just like in the karate kid where Mr. Myagi had Daniel paint the fence, wash the car, and wax on and wax off, in order to teach karate, it seems that math in school teaches more than just match it also helps to develop the human brain in particular the frontal lobe where all higher cognitive functions take place. In a recent study it showed that people are becoming more violent due to under developed front lobes caused by video games which only stimulate the eyes and the hands. In contrast doing simple to answer match problems actually stimulates the frontal lobe more than video games. Frontal lobe is where planning, emotions, self control are all based. So doing math actually helps you become a better person. who knew.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Man talking about America
I'm talking about a time where America stood for something...DAMN IT...
not this fucking shit,
Mc Donalds, iPADS, BULL crap but freedom...the right side of the wrong. We were the good guys everyone wanted to be well we steered off course somehow...
not this fucking shit,
Mc Donalds, iPADS, BULL crap but freedom...the right side of the wrong. We were the good guys everyone wanted to be well we steered off course somehow...
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Beauty's trapping...Illusions
Zen will say all things are illusions since all things happen in everyone's' minds. Beauty for some can have a narcotic effect to the point were we can fall in love very quickly. Very quickly be brain washed really. Though there is no real magic like in Harry Potter one can say that falling in love in nothing more than a spell that is cast on us. If we are one of those people who fall in love with beautiful things because we tend to romanticize everything and not see the reality then we are under a spell. A spell that can lead to our down fall or just set us up for failure big time.
In the ODYSSEY Odysseus was coming home from war and he fell victim to the Sirens, the naked women singing on the rocks that cast spell on sailors and then destroy their ships as they crash into the large rocks they sit on. I beauty as this, not just a beautiful woman, but anything that creates a fantasy aspect in our lives. Music, food, television, people, the list goes on and on. We can become so hypnotized that we lose touch with reality and it affects our decision making. How can we make good smart and effective decisions when really can't see what is going on or maybe we really don't want to see what is going on.
One would need to learn to counter act this dark magic that effects our judgement with something like occlumency.
In Harry Potter, snape teaches Harry to block things from entering his mind by using a spell called occlumency.
In real life we simply need to remind ourselves that what we see is not always what we get and that simply relying on fantasy will surely makes us unhappy in reality.
In the ODYSSEY Odysseus was coming home from war and he fell victim to the Sirens, the naked women singing on the rocks that cast spell on sailors and then destroy their ships as they crash into the large rocks they sit on. I beauty as this, not just a beautiful woman, but anything that creates a fantasy aspect in our lives. Music, food, television, people, the list goes on and on. We can become so hypnotized that we lose touch with reality and it affects our decision making. How can we make good smart and effective decisions when really can't see what is going on or maybe we really don't want to see what is going on.
One would need to learn to counter act this dark magic that effects our judgement with something like occlumency.
In Harry Potter, snape teaches Harry to block things from entering his mind by using a spell called occlumency.
In real life we simply need to remind ourselves that what we see is not always what we get and that simply relying on fantasy will surely makes us unhappy in reality.
courage...standing out amongst the drones
There are aspects of my job that I really enjoy. In fact the job I have now is job I chose to do because it was something that I liked to do and wanted to do. It wasn't a job that I had to take to make a living. That was actually the job I left and i had been there for four and half years and new it was time to get out.
I think the fact that I enjoy my job puts me at a different level than many others. Sometimes I feel a bit of animosity from my co-workers because maybe:
they are old and could not find anything else to do
they are bitter and disappointed with life
they are not happy people
they feel intimidated by me
they are simply negative people
they don't like me because...(there could be a million reason why)
but in the end it doesn't matter. In the end we all need to have the courage to stand out and be different if different is who we really are.
After watching xmen first class the message was pretty much loud and clear, accept yourself, be who you really are and don't give a damn what other people think because if you are so different then maybe you have special abilities that other don't and these special abilities can help others...change the humanity...etc.
At my job I do have more abilities than others and I do feel a bit of alienation from it. Whether it be my computer skills or my camera and photography skills sometimes I just feel like I have to dumb myself down in order to fit in.
I don't want to do that anymore. I don't' want to have to live up to the lower standards of the drones around me. If I am as odd as a mutant on xmen...I choose to be a wolverine...then I should be who I really am and stop trying to fit in with the dummies where I don't belong. Be I left alone because of it so be it. Why should I have to dumb myself down and pretend I am something that I am not in order to fit it. We all want to fit it but are we brave enough to be ourselves to be all that we can be and live to our full potential.????!!!!!
I think the fact that I enjoy my job puts me at a different level than many others. Sometimes I feel a bit of animosity from my co-workers because maybe:
they are old and could not find anything else to do
they are bitter and disappointed with life
they are not happy people
they feel intimidated by me
they are simply negative people
they don't like me because...(there could be a million reason why)
but in the end it doesn't matter. In the end we all need to have the courage to stand out and be different if different is who we really are.
After watching xmen first class the message was pretty much loud and clear, accept yourself, be who you really are and don't give a damn what other people think because if you are so different then maybe you have special abilities that other don't and these special abilities can help others...change the humanity...etc.
At my job I do have more abilities than others and I do feel a bit of alienation from it. Whether it be my computer skills or my camera and photography skills sometimes I just feel like I have to dumb myself down in order to fit in.
I don't want to do that anymore. I don't' want to have to live up to the lower standards of the drones around me. If I am as odd as a mutant on xmen...I choose to be a wolverine...then I should be who I really am and stop trying to fit in with the dummies where I don't belong. Be I left alone because of it so be it. Why should I have to dumb myself down and pretend I am something that I am not in order to fit it. We all want to fit it but are we brave enough to be ourselves to be all that we can be and live to our full potential.????!!!!!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Total Control...Perfectionism and failure
As a writer and creative person there is always some invisisble force the helps or hinders in the creative process.
As I have not written in a long time there is that initial inertia that keeps me from getting started. Then there is my solid destructive belief that I need to control everything in life. I want and need things to be perfect. I suppose its nothing more than fear keeping me from experiencing the real life in an attempt to make things easy and avoid complications. This fear to avoid the bad or the negatives of live really does keep us from living a free full life. I have a lot of anticipation and expectation about what I am going to create, write, etc. I have set idea of what it is going to be and seldom does it ever come out the way I wanted to or expected which leads to disappointment.
For me the greatest obstacle will have to learn to put perfectionism away and simply let remind myself that I can handle what ever comes along good or bad and I dont' have to control everything by having it to be perfect. If I can just accept things as they really are and appreciate what I write or create no matter how bad I feel it is.
As I have not written in a long time there is that initial inertia that keeps me from getting started. Then there is my solid destructive belief that I need to control everything in life. I want and need things to be perfect. I suppose its nothing more than fear keeping me from experiencing the real life in an attempt to make things easy and avoid complications. This fear to avoid the bad or the negatives of live really does keep us from living a free full life. I have a lot of anticipation and expectation about what I am going to create, write, etc. I have set idea of what it is going to be and seldom does it ever come out the way I wanted to or expected which leads to disappointment.
For me the greatest obstacle will have to learn to put perfectionism away and simply let remind myself that I can handle what ever comes along good or bad and I dont' have to control everything by having it to be perfect. If I can just accept things as they really are and appreciate what I write or create no matter how bad I feel it is.
Friday, July 15, 2011
When going after what seems to be the normal, the right, the correct thing maybe you better choice is the going after the alternative.
I'm not typical by any means even though I try to be. I couldn't be ordinary if I tried and I do try and most of the I just feel like an outside even amongst a band of misfits I just don't fit.
But I also realize there are those things that do work for me that I never thought they would. Like going to school wasn't doing any thing for me. So I became a writer, artist, photograper and it has worked out.
I notice with this people. There are always those people that seem to be the coolest, the normals, the mainstream kids.. I don't click with those. I like odd balls who walk to a different drum beat. Sure i"m not going to get along with every lunatic out there because there are a lot of them out there but I am always going to find those people who are just a little bit off and whole lot of fun because they don't take life so serious.-
I tried nine to five, office, wearing a suit and tie, and having weekends off. Hated it. I left it to be a cab driver for a month. Then almost became a dance instructor but settled for a retail job with more money and more areas to grow and learn.
So maybe when we, us humans, feel trapped by the lack of choices, maybe we need to seek alternatives to the normal and easy and overly done ones. Trying something new and different might be just what we need.
I'm not typical by any means even though I try to be. I couldn't be ordinary if I tried and I do try and most of the I just feel like an outside even amongst a band of misfits I just don't fit.
But I also realize there are those things that do work for me that I never thought they would. Like going to school wasn't doing any thing for me. So I became a writer, artist, photograper and it has worked out.
I notice with this people. There are always those people that seem to be the coolest, the normals, the mainstream kids.. I don't click with those. I like odd balls who walk to a different drum beat. Sure i"m not going to get along with every lunatic out there because there are a lot of them out there but I am always going to find those people who are just a little bit off and whole lot of fun because they don't take life so serious.-
I tried nine to five, office, wearing a suit and tie, and having weekends off. Hated it. I left it to be a cab driver for a month. Then almost became a dance instructor but settled for a retail job with more money and more areas to grow and learn.
So maybe when we, us humans, feel trapped by the lack of choices, maybe we need to seek alternatives to the normal and easy and overly done ones. Trying something new and different might be just what we need.
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