Wednesday, July 24, 2013

[GUIDE] to Removing Stock Apps - 12/21/2012 - Android Forums

I would suggest that you backup up all apps with Titanium Backup and also freezing the apps for a while before uninstalling them (preferably uninstalling them with Titanium Backup as well, as opposed to Root Uninstaller). Everyone uses a phone differently so just because it works for me doesn't mean it'll necessarily work for you.

Let's Get Started

This guide lists all of the apps that come stock with the phone with/including Virgin Mobile's ZV5 firmware upgrade. Apps are listed in alphabetical order by .apk filename. All stock .apks/apps that are located in /system/app are listed, although some do not have an .apk but do have an app name. In such cases, they will be appended to the end of each section. Similarly, many do not have a description as we're unclear of what they do. If you know of an .apk, app name, and/or description, and it's missing from here, please let me know and I'll add it ASAP!


Underlined = .apk Filename.
Bold = App Name (as you may find it in, for example, Titanium Backup).
Italicized = Description.
[...] = Name is obscenely and unnecessarily long, and has been shortened.

Bloat Apps / Safe to Remove

BooksPhone.apk - Google Play Books
E-Reader for Google Books.
com.sprint.voicemail.apk - Sprint Voicemail
Voicemail app.
Bloat widgets.
GoogleWallet.apk - Wallet
Stores credit card information.
LG_LS840_Cayman-SmartDeviceManager[...]UPDATE_2_21_2012.apk - Sprint Smart Device Manager
Sprint Parental Controls App.
MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk - Magic Smoke Wallpapers
Wallpaper pack.
MobileID-1.6.30-ANDR_PRD.apk - Mobile ID
A Virgin Mobile app to install customization packs - in other words, a Trojan Horse of bloat.
Music2.apk - Google Play Music
Buy and Sync music App.
PlusOne.apk - Google+
PolarisViewer3.0.LG.HVGA.apk - Polaris Viewer
Stock file browser.
PrefAct.apk - Sprint Preferred Activity
Needs description, but removing it affects nothing.
Homescreen Tips Widgets.
Needs description, but removing it affects nothing.
Shopper-110-preinstall.apk - Google Shopper
Google Shopping App.
Needs description, but removing it affects nothing.
Street.apk - Street View
Google Maps' Street View.
Swype.apk - Swype Keyboard
Swype Keyboard.
Needs description, but removing it affects nothing.
VmRoms.apk - VM ROMs
Not what you think it is. Found in /data/app.
VisualizationWallpapers.apk - Music Visualization Wallpapers
Wallpaper pack.
YouTube.apk - YouTube
Self explanatory.
Virgin Mobile MyAccount Homescreen Shortcut.
Applications Stub
Virgin Mobile App.
Buzz Feed
Virgin Mobile App.
Downloads (red logo)
Displays your downloads from Virgin Mobile.
Self explanatory.
News & Weather
News and Weather App.
Tuning Fork
Stupid Virgin Mobile App.
Tutorial Widgets
Self explanatory. They appear when you turn on your phone for the first time.
VM Icon Pack
Virgin Mobile App Icons. Don't worry, uninstalling this will not remove app icons from your phone - this is just another stupid Virgin Mobile stock bloat app.
Virgin Mobile Live
Virgin Mobile music app.
Virgin Mobile Live Widget
Virgin Mobile Live widget.
Voicemail Homescreen Shortcut.
Wikipedia App.
Yelp App.

Can be removed if you don't use or need them, or have replacements

Bluetooth.apk - Bluetooth
Bluetooth. Removal causes loss of Bluetooth functionality.
Browser.apk - Browser
Stock Web Browser. Can be replaced.
Calculator.apk - Calculator
Stock Calculator. Can be replaced.
Calendar.apk - Calendar
Stock Calendar. Can be replaced.
Required for Calendar function.
CameraApp.apk - Camera (and Camcorder)
Stock Camera App. Can be replaced.
Google Search Box Widget on Homescreen.
Needs description.
Contacts.apk - Contacts
Stock Contacts App. Can be replaced.
Required for Contacts.
Stock Clock widget and Alarm app. Your phone will still display the correct date and time without this.
Email.apk - Email
Stock Email Client App for pop3 and imap accounts. Can be replaced.
Gallery3D.apk - Gallery
Stock Picture/Gallery Viewer.
Gmail.apk - Gmail
Stock Gmail App. Check Gmail email with this.
GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk - Google Calendar Sync
Syncs calendar data to your Gmail account.
GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk - Google Contacts Sync
Syncs contacts data to your Gmail account.
Google Quick Search Box.
Needs description, but recommend keeping.
LatinIME.apk - Android Keyboard
Stock Android Keyboard. Can be replaced.
Launcher2-1.6.35-mdpi-nfc-ANDR_PRD.apk - Launcher
Stock Launcher.
Note: Remove only if you have a replacement set as a system app and as the default launcher or you will be forced to either factory reset or restore from a Nandroid backup as you will be unable to access anything except through Recovery.
LGWallpaperPicker.apk - LG Wallpaper Picker
Allows you to pick from stock wallpapers.
LiveWallpapers.apk - Android Live Wallpapers
Animated Wallpapers.
LiveWallpapersPicker.apk - Live Wallpapers Picker
If you wish to get rid of the stock live wallpapers, but wish to retain support for them, keep this app. If not, you can get rid of it.
Maps.apk - Google Maps
Self explanatory.
MarketUpdater.apk - Market Updater
Notifies you of Google Play app updates if they are available.
Mms.apk - Messaging
Stock messaging app. Can be replaced.
Music.apk - Music Player
Stock Music Player. Can be replaced.
Nfc.apk - NFC
NFC (Near Field Communications).
Note: Removal may cause Play Store issues.
NfcHandover.apk - NFC Handover
Required for NFC.
Note: Removal may cause Play Store issues.
oem_install_flash_player.apk - Adobe Flash Player
Plays online flash content.
Phone.apk - Dialer
Stock Dialer App. Can be replaced.
PhotoEditor.apk - Photo Editor
Allows you to crop, resize, etc. photos. For example, this can be done through the Gallery app of your choice. If you never wish to edit photos in any way, you can remove this app.
PicoTts.apk - PicoTTS
Allows you to use TTS (Text to Speech).
QuickMemo_GB.apk - Quick Memo
Takes screenshots you can doodle on.
SoundRecorder.apk - Sound Recorder
Sound Recorder. Records audio.
Required for NFC. Reads NFC tags. Remove if you don't wish to use NFC to read NFC tags.
Note: Removal may cause Play Store issues.
Talk.apk - Google Talk
Google Talk.
Required for (Pico)TTS.
VoiceDialer.apk - Voice Dialer
Voice Dialer.
VoiceSearch.apk - Voice Search
Allows you to conduct a search query using your voice.
VpnServices.apk - VPN
Allows you to use a VPN for the phone's incoming/outgoing connections over the interwebs whilst looking at pictures of cute fluffy kittens.
Downloads (green logo)
Handles the downloading of Google Apps, Picasa, YouTube, etc.
My Uploads
Handles the uploading of Google Apps, Picasa, YouTube, etc.
Sprint Android Requirements
Removing prevents SSA from working. Safe to remove if you've removed SSA.
Activation App. Removal will prevent activating via app.

Required System Apps - Don't even think about removing these

Your Google account and sync settings are handled through this.
Needs description.
Needs description.
Camera test for LG Hidden Menu.
Manages Secure Certificates.
Needs description.
DownloadProvider.apk - Download Provider
Needs description.
UI for the Download Provider.
DrmProvider.apk - DRM Protected Content Storage
Handles rights to protected media.
In addition to other things; handles the graphical portion of the framework for your phone. This includes things like, but not limited to, the battery icon and the glow of color when you attempt to scroll past the border of a window.
Backup phone settings to Google.
GoogleFeedback.apk - Google Feedback
Needs description.
Needs description.
Handles Google login.
Needs description.
LG's Programming Menu.
Needs description.
Needs description.
Needs description.
Tower-based location info.
Handles App installs.
The Google Play Store. Can be removed, but you'll lose the ability to download and update apps.
Needs description.
Needs description. Has to do with QualComm.
QualComm Settings.
Tests the Proximity Sensor and Accelerometer.
Settings.apk - System Settings
Phone Settings. Includes the Power Control widget.
SettingsProvider.apk - Settings Provider
Needs description.
Needs description.
Needs description.
Needs description.
The phone's UI that is not covered by framework-res. Covers things such as, but not limited to, the icons for ADB and the SD card, the battery icon (both framework-res and SystemUI handle this, not sure why), and the status bar.
Needs description.
UserDictionaryProvider.apk - User Dictionary
Stores words you create in the phone's dictionary.
Tests the sdcard on startup.

jamoosh, cfreeman90 and pilot03 like this.

Sleipnir Developer. Author of the [FAQ-GUIDE] for CWM for the OE, and [GUIDE] to Removing Stock Apps for the OE, threads.
Artine is offline
Last edited by Artine; March 11th, 2013 at 06:37 PM.

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Guide to removing stock apps.... - Android Forums
Guide to removing stock apps....
Due to lack of time after my last daughter was born (5 kids and a wife and job eat up alot of time I have found ) and me no longer having the Elite this thread was in need of updating as I hadn't added the zv5 apps yet. With that i felt it better to turn it over to someone who was still using the Elite and had the time to update it.

Artine was nice enough to step up and create a new updated thread for you guys. You can find the thread here ....


This guide is a work in progress and is meant to help determine which apps can be safely remove from your Optimus Elite. As I test more apps this guide will change.

This worked for me but remove apps at your own risk.

Id's suggest backup up all apps with Titanium Backup and also freezing the apps for a while before uninstalling them. Everyone uses a phone differently so just because it works for me don't mean it'll work for you

These are safe to remove if you don't use them
Adobe Flash Player - Plays online flash content.
Android Live Wallpapers - Animated Wallpaper
Application Stubs - Virgin Mobile App
Buzz Feed - Virgin Mobile App
Calculator - Built in calculator app
Calender - Built in calander app
Calender Storage - On phone Calender storage
Clock - Built in clock and alarm clock app - Does not affect system clock
Downloads - Shows downloads you've made from Virgin Mobile
*There are 2 download apps. This is one with red logo
Email - Email program for pop3 and imap accounts
Facebook - Facebook app
Gmail - Check Gmail email
Google Play Books - E-reader for Google books
Google Play Music - Buy and Sync music app
Google Search - Desktop search widget
Google+ - Google+ app
Image Editor - View and edit images
LG Wallpapers - Wallpapers
Live Wallpaper Picker - Manages live wallpaper
Maps - Google Maps
Mobile Id - Virgin Mobile App to add customization packs
Music Visualization Wallpapers - Live wallpaper pack
My Account - Virgin Mobile account shortcut
News & Weather - News and weather app
Polaris Viewer - Document viewer
Quickmemo - Quickmemo App
Shopper - Google shopping app
Smart Device Manager - Sprint App
Streetview - Streetview in Google maps
Swype - Swype keyboard
Tags - Nfc tag reader
Talk - Google talk chat app
Tuning Fork - Stupid Virgin Mobile App
Tutorial Widgets - Tutorial widget
VM Icon Pack - Virgin Mobile App icons
Virgin Mobile Live - Virgin Mobile music app
Virgin Mobile Live Widget - Virgin Mobile live widget
Voice Dialer - Voice dialing feature
Voice Recorder - Voice recording app
Voice Search - Voice search feature
Voicemail - Voicemail desktop shortcut
Wallet - Google Wallet
Wikipedia - Wikipedia App
Yelp - Yelp app
YouTube - YouTube app

These can be removed with caution
Android Keyboard - Default android keyboard - Only remove if another keyboard is set as system app
Browser - Only remove if you have another web browser installed
Camera - Only remove if you have another camera app installed
Downloads - Handles downloads for Google apps.. Youtube, Picasa, etc
*There are 2 download apps. This is one with green logo
Gallery - Only remove if you have another picture gallery app installed
Google Calender Storage - Only remove if you don't sync Calender to Google server
Google Contact Sync - Only remove if you don't sync Contacts to Google server
HTML Viewer - Safe to remove but recommend leaving
Launcher - Only remove if you have another launcher installed and set as system app. If not you won't have launcher after factory reset
Market Updater - Checks for app updates. If you remove market won't prompt you to update apps
Messaging - Only remove if you have another text messaging app
Music Player - Only remove if you have another media player installed
My Uploads - Handles uploads for Google apps, Youtube, Picasa, etc.
Pico TTS - Text to speech, can be removed but some apps may not be happy you did
Preferred Activity Setter - Sprint app but not sure of purpose - Removed and have seen no issues
SSA - Activation app. Removing will prevent activating via app
Setup Wizard - First time phone setup. Phone will FC after factory reset if removed
Sprint Android Requirements - Removing prevents Activation app from working, Can be removed if you removed SSA activation app
TTS Service - Text to speech, can be removed but some apps may not be happy you did
VPN Services - Allows phone to Make VPN connections - Should be safe to remove

Don't even think about removing these
Android System - Android operating system
Bluetooth Share - Bluetooth function
Camera Test - Camer test app for LG Hidden Menu
Certificate Installer - Manages Secure Certificates
Contacts - Your contact list
Contact Storage - On phone contact storage
DRM Protected Content Storage - Handles rights to protected media
Dialer - Phone Dialer
Dialer Storage - Syncs something to Google
Download Manager - Handles Downloads
Framework.apk - Icons and Various theme settings
Google Backup Transport - Backs up phone settings to Google
Google Partner Setup - Not sure yet
Google Play Store - App store
Google Services Framework - Handles Google login
Home Screen Tips - Desktop tip widget. Will make phone FC after factory reset
LG MLT - Not sure yet
LG Hidden Menu - LG programming menu. Not sure if safe to remove
Market Feedback Agent - Allows apps to prompt you for feedback on market. not sure if safe to remove yet
Media Storage - Handles on phone media storage
Network Location - Tower based location info
NFC Service - Near field communications - Removal will result in FC's
NFC Handover - Near field communications - Removal will result in FC's
Package Access Helper - Handles app installs
Package Installer - Handles app installs
Search Application Provider - Not sure yet
Sensor Test - Test proximity and accelerometer
Service Program Menu - The ##virgin# programming menu
Settings - Phone settings
Settings Storage - On phone setting storage
Status Bar - Status bar
System_ui.apk - User Interface
UTS UI - not sure yet
User Dictionary - Stores words you add to phone - not sure yet - not sure yet
com.qualcom.prohibit - not sure yet
com.sdcard.test - Tests sdcard at startup
WhisperPntr, salvy512, ktb83 and 4 others like this.

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Friday, July 5, 2013


"5 Simple Tips to Meditate Like a Monk"