The problem being is they these other people will never truly accept you beucase you dont accept yourself.
If you feel like a square peg and you are desperately trying to fit in a round hole then its really never going to work and you will find out sooner or later that you are only fooling yourself.
The best thing to do is to find a group that you is like you, that will accept you for who you are and what you are and not worry so much. If you tend to be a total individual that only parts of you fit in various groups then there is nothing wrong with belonging to many different groups as long as you feel you fit in and not forcing yourself in there.
I look at Meowth on Pokemon. He is the only Pkemon that talks. He has given up all his powers as a Meowth in order to evolve himself to a higher power that allows him to talk. He does not fit in with other regular Pokeman and so has found a place with Jesse and James of Team Rocket. Here is is accepted without question and treated as an equal. He also gets to be his real self without having to force himself to by someoen else to be accepted.
This seriouslly reminds me of the No Rain Video by Blind Melon where the Bee girl has to look all over before she finds a group she really fits into.
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