In the beginning of everthing there seems to be truth and honesty. But as things get bigger and more expansive and more powerful...corruptions can occur
It occures with computures where the best system is the simplest like win98 but software has gotten bigger and easier to corrupt.
Now the Wiki leaks guy seems to have run away pushing an honest agenda and is more into becomeing famouse and rich. He has become and asshole to his co workers who have all jumped ship and started their own website.
But its not only money it also gaining power from information. When a person becomes experienced enough he can become cocky and sure enough he'll become and asshole. There was a guy at work who had probably one of the best cameras in the world today. It cost about eight thousand dollars. He told a coworker of mine that we shouldn't bother taking pictures of his daughter with the princess because our cameras were crap. Later his wife came to see if we could take the pictures and he sat alone at the table like a big Asshole he was not thinking of anyone but himself. This was his daughter's event and his big ego and power trip had ruined it for because while all the other little girls were getting their photos delivered at the table she had nothing thanks to her dad. A hole, A hole, A hole. The power had corrupted this man.
The movie the lord of the rings was centered on this idea with the character Smeagol wanting the ring. He represents someone that has been corrupted by power. But just as Frodo who was pure of heart later fell to the power and he could not avoid being corrupted towards the end. It was a heavy and impossible task or burden and it alsmost killed him but he made it through.
Buhhism is abut givng up want of anything which makes can help from becoming an Ahole in life. We may not all become Buddist but we can learn to simply not let the power we have go to our heads. Find a true and honest purpose and when we find ourselves doing things for simply ego and power then we need to step back and check ourselves.. or maybe its just part of life because eventually we all want something to the point where want to fill the void in our lives.
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