Apple makes some really cool stuff. The IPHONE, IPAD, IPOD, and the list goes on. What they don't do is give people what they really want. Apple says you can have what ever you want as along as it doesn't force them to change what they do. They have locked in image of Apple World where everything is to thier liking, not the customers.
Then there is Android. The free OS from google that is light years ahead of Apple OS. What ever IOS can do Android can do better. Android is freedom, all the colors of the rainbow and what ever shape you want too.
To compare Apple and Android check out this video by an independent reviewers
So how does this apply to life. As you can see, if you've got a business, it's important to be flexible or you could be taken over by something else. There is always something out there that is bigger and better, faster, stronger; if there isn't, then wait a while there will be.
Apple has always been a struggling company and it wasn't until Steve Jobs came back into the fold that things actually picked up for them. But now he's gone and its a little sad to see Apple forcing is muscle by trying to destroy the competition (Samsung & Google) through litigation rather than innovation. So my question is Are there anymore creative minds at Apple?
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