Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Borax,to remove accumulated fluoride and heavy metals from the body

The Borax Conspiracy: Big Pharma's Latest Ploy to Outlaw a Natural Cure for Arthritis, Osteoporosis and Tooth Decay (July 6, 2012)
Boric acid treatment was protective and led to increased resistance of DNA to oxidative damage induced by AFB1. The strong antifungal action of boric acid is, of course, the reason why it has traditionally been used as a food preservative.

Borax, similar to the equally endangered Lugol's iodine solution, can also be used to remove accumulated fluoride and heavy metals from the body (14). Fluoride not only causes bones to deteriorate, but also the pineal gland to calcify and the thyroid to become underactive. Borax reacts with fluoride ions to form boron fluorides which are then excreted in the urine.

In a Chinese study, borax was used to treat 31 patients with skeletal fluorosis. The amount was gradually increased from 300 to 1100 mg/day during a three month period, with one week off each month. The treatment was effective with 50 to 80% improvement.

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Health Uses for Borax | eHow.com

Health Uses for Borax | eHow.com

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Chemistry Sciences
Health Uses for Borax

Health Uses for Borax
By Sarah McLeod, eHow Contributor

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Hollow potatoes are indicative of boron deficient soil.

Borax has a reputation extending back more than 200 years among medical doctors and homoeopaths for its anti-inflammatory effects on both internal and external parts of the body. Borax is prescribed to supplement boron diet deficiencies that result in debilitating conditions that are indicative of chronic disease. Boron deficiencies can be attributed to decreased hormone production, abnormal calcium uptake, magnesium destabilization and yeast and microbe overgrows. When these deficiencies are normalized, many symptoms of disease can be alleviated.
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Womb Inflammation

Doctors of the 19th and 20th centuries recommended that women suffering from womb inflammation soak in lukewarm bathwater with borax twice a day. If women displayed profuse, egg-white-like discharge or leucorrhea, they were told to douche with borax and lukewarm water solution three to four times per day. Other symptoms that can be alleviated by borax and water exposure include heavily clotted menstruation, painful sexual intercourse, blood-streaked vaginal discharge, painful menstruation, abdominal distention and false signs of pregnancy.
Erectile Dysfunction

It has been reported that a quarter of a teaspoon of borax added to one quart of drinking water sipped throughout the course of a day while taking magnesium supplements can reverse male impotency. This can be attributed to many effects of borax on the human body. Borax stabilizes calcium and magnesium in the blood. It stimulates hormone production. Toxic states of hyper fluoride accumulation, internal fungal growth and dangerous microbe production are normalized by borax consumption. Finally, borax has been attributed to female libido enhancement as well.

During the 1960s naturopathic doctor Rex Newnham self-experimented with borax ingestion to supplement a boron deficiency in his diet. He discovered that the inflammation and joint stiffness he suffered was alleviated after taking 30 milligrams of borax twice per day for three weeks. In addition, the relief lasted for an entire year before he had to resume the regimen. Borax controls the amoeba that is attributed to rheumatoid arthritis. Boron-fortified mouthwashes treat pyorrhea, arthritis of the teeth and gums. Spondylitis, arthritis of the spine, Still's disease, juvenile arthritis, gout, uric acid buildup and osteoporosis are all responsive to borax supplements.
Skin Aging Deterre

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borax prevents unhealthy crosslinking between the proteins and sugar

Borax Cures Questions
borax prevents unhealthy crosslinking between the proteins and sugar. This means the sugar will not react with protein which causes glycation, but as well, the use of a small amount of borax actually increases healthy flora by reducing mycobacterium and fungal like bacteria from existing in the intestinal tract.

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Borax. It de-calcifies the pineal gland, apparently. Where your Spidey senses live. And The Force.

today i started drinking Borax | The Ladies' Guide to the Apocalypse
All drinking Borax aside, I bought bottled water for the first time today. Like, ever, besides for camping trips. A Mississippi girl refuses to say it’s bad to swim in the Mississippi River (in the shallow non-currenty parts anyway), and she will always go barefoot by the lake even when there’s broken glass. I used to drink tap water always, firmly believing in my superhuman immune system, defiantly in favor of the “a little dirt don’t hurt” credo, and thankful for a chance to build up my superpowers even more. But now there will be so much benzene in the water table, it’s time to switch to water from someplace else. Almost all of the water in America is fluoridated, though, just like toothpaste. Which is why I’ve been flossing, rinsing with hydrogen peroxide, and brushing with Dr. Tichenor’s peppermint mouthwash. And drinking Borax. It de-calcifies the pineal gland, apparently. Where your Spidey senses live. And The Force.

In the Apocalypse, it’s important to be fa

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Borax Cures Questions
08/17/2008: Mary from Port Orange, Florida: "I am a little leary of using the borax laundry soap and was wondering if using a boron supplement would give the same result? What is found in the health food store is Tri-Boron Plus, made by Twinlab. Each capsule has 1.5 mg of boron, with serving size being 2 capsules. It also has magnesium, calcium, vitamin D and a couple others. If this will work, how many mg per day of the boron do you suggest? Thanks, I'll be looking for your response.

Keep up the good work, your site provides a wealth of information!"

03/30/2011: Causes Not Bandaids from London, Uk replies: "Hi, I have a question regarding this. Am I correct that the active ingredient in the Borax doing the 'work' is the Boron? And if so, does it follow that taking Boron would work, if you took the right doseage? Would it need to be pure (ie only Boron - if you can get that! ) and would capsules or liquid be needed?

Also, I read on here about Baking Soda (or Baking Soda with ACV) - does that do the same thing as Borax?

Many thanks in advance."

04/30/2011: Spirit Bear from Minto, N.b Canada replies: "Boron is Borax :-)... The chemical name is sometimes Calcium or Sodium Borate (If I recall correctly) and it's usually labeled Boron (mineral supplement) or Borax (the all natural detergent). I personally think it's a tad safer to use Boron supplements to avoid any possible contaminants from Borax.. But sometimes Boron is unavailable and Borax is a very cheap source of this essential mineral (it's a fairly large box), plus the high dilution makes for insignificant health risk in relation to it's benefits... The LDF for Borax (point at which it becomes dangerous) is actually higher than sea salt, so it's quite safe assuming the dose is not too high (1/4 teaspoon to one litre of water). It shouldn't have any fragrance added, as I have seen before. But yes, Boron is definately Borax."

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sugar needs phosphorous

Away with Arthritis
Sugar requires phosphorous for its metabolism as does white bread and caffeine (tea, coffee). Phosphorous is removed from the bone to metabolise these common foods where processing has removed many of the original minerals. Sugar utilises phosphorus, magnesium and chromium. When phosphorus is withdrawn from bone, calcium comes out too and as it is not needed is excreted in the urine. Soft drinks have both sugar and more phosphorus than is needed for sugar metabolism. The excess phosphorous combines with calcium upsetting the calcium phosphorus balance resulting in less available calcium. Caffeine also requires phosphorus and magnesium to metabolise. Sodium and potassium are lost at the same time.

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