Thursday, June 23, 2011

Re: Just what exactly is Lifestyle photography?


I hope I was not too cynical. Lifestyle is a legitamate category, but it is often (at least in my experiance) used to cover whatever the AD can't actually describe or visualize very well. I do understand the problem since I have had to sit on the other side of the table and figure out how to visualize vague or difficult concepts for ad design. Even so, I get a little irritated when scenes that are clearly staged with actors/models in fully dressed high end locations are called 'lifestyle'. I would just call them 'advertising' and leave it at that.

Don't think you can't or shouldn't get experiance doing this sort of thing. Even if you don't have a big budget you can get good shots of people in activities that can add to your portfolio. I just took a quick tour of a couple members sites cruising for 'lifestyle' stuff. There are some very high end shots that you could still replicate on some scale for little money. Several sites show people playing golf/tennis, shopping, excercising, etc...Of course in many cases these shots were staged with several people, lighting, and crew, but version (good looking ones) could be re-staged with one or two models (friends or work-trade models) as long as you can get the location to allow you to shoot. You may have to go available light or just use a fill light/reflector, but it can be done. Take a look at what good portait guys do on locations - they find the light and background, then exploit it.

Balancing people and setting is tough. That is why photographers and cinematographers who do it well are sought after, but learning to do this sort of shot is important. Often architecture without people is just an empty stage. Sure some of it is worthy as art alone, but much only comes to life when people enter the picture. You may also find oportunities to build your skills on shots for non-profits or other groups that need help - a donation of some images might be less expensive than a seminar, and can build good relationships for you as well.

Good Luck,


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