Monday, January 3, 2011

Get What You Can While You Can

We’ve all seen those games shows where they put the contestant in the tube and the money blows all around them and the person fights to catch the money as it flies right through their hands.  They are only in there for such short time so all they can do is get what they can while they can.

Opportunities don’t come often and when they do they don’t always last for long.  In fact there is no way of knowing how long an opportunity is going to last so best to get what you can take advantage of it while you can.

Like my job.  It isn't the best paying job a person could have though it does pay the bills but it also comes with a lot of perks.  Like discounts at restaurants, free admission to all their parks, and the list goes on.  I sometimes either by not being aware or maybe at times I just don't care don't really take advantage of all the perks.  I miss out on times when they have free admission to other places or free food or free movies.  I guess I could be more aware of what is going on so i could take advantage of it

I was at a casino the other day and one of the girls selling drinks said the sodas were free.  I wanted to tip her after I got a free soda but I had no cash it was all in the slot machine.
At first I felt bad because I figured she was out money but no the soda were free she gets them free from the casino and all she has to do is go back and get some more.  I  was already dropping enough money int he slots to cover what the soda would cost me  anyway so I wasn't going to sweat it. I figured if they were giving away free soda then I was going to get my money's worth of soda pop.

Now this advice could work for a lot of things.  Like in business.  I do freelance work soemtiems and well I think I need to learn to include some features during my work.  LIke included meals if the event is long and also have them pay for my parking and other expenses after all I wind up losing money in the end.

Maybe that needs to be one of my new years take advantage of my opportunities while I can.
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