Saturday, December 29, 2012

John Carter how not to make a movie

After watching John Carter I realize now why the movie flopped.  There is a lot of hype and no payoff.  It is poor executed and much of the beginning of the film is all talking and no action.   This movie tries to be Star Wars and Mad Max all in one.  Though that could be a cool combo of a film.

The good part of the film kicks in about ninety minutes in.  That is where the action and monsters begin.  The film is written like a soap opera and not like a real movie.  People go to see action movies for some action there is little action in this movie till late in the game.

There are big corporations out there that have tons of money but don't seem to be able to create good movies.  One would have to ask why.  Shouldn't companies that can spare no expense to get it right be able to hire the right people or maybe its the people running the show who are out of touch with this art.

This is where art and business collide.  Despite the movie industry, story telling is still an art form.  You can't manufacture a good story.  It has to come from some where.  The dark place where wonder creations are made.

To me the dialogue is boring, the actors are stale, and the story itself needs more conflict.  There is nothing to like about the film.  Unlike Luca's Star Wars which have better dialogue, faster paced action, and a better line of actors, John Carter has none of these. 
so to me the reason John Cater flopped was because it was


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