Tuesday, September 14, 2010

COKE IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boy you never know where your going to run into something you want.  I've been in search of the Real Sugar Coke for a while now as all cokes here in the USA are made with high fructose corn syrup. I went to big lots today in search of bath mat and while i was at the check out line i spied a bunch of coke bottles in of of the aisles. I quickly rushed over and seeing the white labels and I knew they were Real Coke, made with Sugar, only available from Mexico. There were about twenty bottles but I only got three. Hmmm might go back for more. Driving on the road I saw a Coke truck and decided to make my own commerical.

I came home stuck it in the freezer and man I must say...Real Coke taste really really good. There is no replacing the REAL DEAL no matter how much the fake stuff tastes like the original, it just ain't the real thing. All for the sake of better profits because its cheaper to make. One thing I noticed is that my throat didn't get all phlegm-y like it does with high fructose corn syrup COKE does.

Lesson for today is things will turn up when you least expect it.  It might turn up in places you never wanted to go...following those white rabbits again.  You go after one thing only to find something else.  Isn't' that always the case.

Also I must say that there is nothing like the orginal of anything.  Sometimes I heart the remaoke of Hey Now...Don't Dream it's over by Crowded House and I must say there is nothing like the orginal singer.  What if we replaced Elvis with someone who looked like him, sounded like him, talked and walked like him, but he wasn't the real guy...would we still love him.  No way.  Not with any band, try doing that with the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and U2...how can you replaced Mick and Bono with anyone else.  It just ain't happening.

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