Friday, July 15, 2011


When going after what seems to be the normal, the right, the correct thing maybe you better choice is the going after the alternative. 

I'm not typical by any means even though I try to be.  I couldn't be ordinary if I tried and I do try and most of the I just feel like an outside even amongst a band of misfits I just don't fit. 

But I also realize there are those things that do work for me that I never thought they would.  Like going to school wasn't doing any thing for me.  So I became a writer, artist, photograper and it has worked out.

I notice with this people.  There are always those people that seem to be the coolest, the normals, the mainstream kids..  I don't click with those.  I like odd balls who walk to a different drum beat.  Sure i"m not going to get along with every lunatic out there because there are a lot of them out there but I am always going to find those people who are just a little bit off and whole lot of fun because they don't take life so serious.-

I tried nine to five, office, wearing a suit and tie, and having weekends off.  Hated it.  I left it to be a cab driver for a month.  Then almost became a dance instructor but settled for a retail job with more money and more areas to grow and learn.

So maybe when we, us humans, feel trapped by the lack of choices, maybe we need to seek alternatives to the normal and easy and overly done ones.  Trying something new and different might be just what we need.

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