Saturday, July 9, 2011

Seelng all your opportunities

Gosh living in the world these days often seems so confusing with all the information and misinformation out there.  At times I am so bombarded with so many things going on that I fail to recognize, spot, see any if any all of the opportunities and doors to be opened that are in front of me.

I spend so much time focused, maybe a little tunnel vision, but many times it feels more like the zone. You know that place where runners and artists hit where reality disappears and all that is left is them and their action.  They or enjoying, loving, creating, being, etc all in one.

I think this definitely gets int he way of me knowing what is all around me.  Perhaps I am dumb to it, blind to it, or I'm just so our of touch with it that things just pass me by.

I love to work but at times I get so caught up in working that I fail to be human.  to simply have a chat with someone.  There are a lot of barriers in life.

Maybe its good to for a moment in your day to stop what you are doing and just see what is going on all around.  The people around you, the things going on all around.  YOu might notice something you never knew was there.
Children alwasy seem to be more opened to this type of awareness.  Sometimes it can lead them to trouble but most times it gives them a new path to explore that other wise would have been missed.

There is also the idea of the rabbit hole like in Alice in Wonderland.  Maybe there are times we are aware of new paths try but we are so scared to do anything new because we don't know what we will find.  It takes a bit of courage to change I guess.

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