Thursday, February 11, 2010

Empty the Cup...Fill it Up...THE BIG EMPTY

Emptying the cup, a Taoism principle, might sound easy but keeping it empty is very hard. No sooner do i give up the activities in my life that waste my time that I fall into some other activity that wastes my time.

I've fallen into the trap of being a blogger hunter. Simply going from blog to blog now wasting my precious time. Things I wouldn't do if i was doing something else and things that i would never if i was having fun or had found something to do worth my while. All in all i’m seeking to avoid the BIG EMPTY.

Maybe that's what we're all escaping in life that Big Empty feeling of not moving, not going anywhere, or getting anything. Of simply watching life pass by before your eyes and losing at the game called life..."This is your life, okay bob, tell him what he's won," and you consolation prize is..."

Somehow we may think we are all players but maybe some of us are only spectators. Or Shit you only go around once so let me do it all. In the end maybe you wind up doing nothing because you did everything.

But why is it so hard to do nothing. To sit for a while and let go of it all. I get a hollow feeling inside that tells me i have to fill up my life and time with all of this and that sometimes i fill my life with the the usual suspects and well then i can't see all the other stuff that needs to get done or heck i don't' even know what the weather going to be like today. Some days I don't even know what day of the week it is. I can't see where I'm going, I don't know where I am, I don't know what I'm doing here. Funny, I never have to face these feelings when I'm filled with all the crap in life. Gosh I really miss the crap too.

Emptying your cup and letting go of the stuff that fills your life that isn't good for you or healthy or just simply waste your time and sabotage it well, is very hard cause maybe when we git rid of it all we are left with nothing. ThE BIG EMPTY AGAIN. We feel nothing, we feel something is missing, we feel scared of it, its the dark tunnel with no end in sight, we are missing our chance, but did we really ever have a chance, now we face the question and we may not like the answer. We're suppose to do, be, and become something in life but there is no light at the end of the tunnel...just the Big Empty inside. And its scares me, it hurts, its painful, its filled with the darkside of life that we avoid like the plague. IN THE MOVIE FIGHT CLUB, Ed Norton's character Jack has a happy place, but Tyler Darden tells him to stop avoiding the pain, he needs to feel the pain.

Tyler: Yes it hurts, but pain is good. you feel the pain, but at the same time you feel strength - because you know you're alive - and what does not kill you, makes you stronger. After you really feel incredible - somehow you just get turned off - in a good way. You stop worrying, you start living in the moment, you somehow feel more powerful - just as Tyler said - you feel like you can deal with anything.

so Stay with the pain, don't shut this out...Without pain, without sacrifice we would have nothing...Stop it, this is your pain, it's right here...What you're feeling is pre-mature enlightenment...This is the greatest moment of your life man and you're off somewhere missing it...First you have to give up, first you have to know, not fear, know that someday you're gonna die. It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

Learn how to die and you learn how to live. Decide what is most important to you and dedicate your life to it. Stay with reality, don't avoid it or explain it away. This is it, make the most of the situation you are given. Don't become attached to it. Appreciate it, experience it, do your best and let go.

I want to avoid the pain of the Big Empty and go into my cave of sanctuary, I wanna fill in the void with distractions: Horoscopes, technology news, eating, cooking, watching movies. So many things out there, the internet is full of it, so is the radio, and the cell phone, and the magazines, and the crap all around us. And lets not pass on the biggest filler of them all LOVE... I need fill up my life with them all.....

... but then I wonder why nothing ever gets done.

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything. - yes. Imagine you don't have anything in life. Nobody, nothing. Nothing to lose. Only then are you completely free, because you don't care, you just do it, you live it, you are alive. And that is what we need to do, awaken, open our eyes to the truth...

okay Tyler Darden
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