Sunday, August 8, 2010

Being the BAD GUY

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf...sang the three little pigs.  No one wants to be bad but sometimes you have to be the bad guy to get what you want.

Being the nice guy will only get you eaten by other wolves who are after the same prize.  There are times where we have to fight fire with fire and become the big bad wolf and bite and claw our way our of a nasty situation.

I have always had a problem with being the bad guy as I've always been protective of other people's feelings...always being the nice guy.  But lately there have been some real toxic people that have come into my life that I have had to keep out.  I had to become the bad guy and not give people what they wanted from me.

Sometimes this is really hard as we are always taught to be nice to others but really other people don't give a damn about you so why should you give a fuck about hem.  Screw them or in this case blow their fucking house down. 

Being the bad person really frees you up to focus on what you want.   For example a freind of mine got two backstage tickets to a concert.  She had to work both days but she is called in sick instead and went to he concert.  She could have been the nice person and came to work but she realized that the only to get what she wanted this time was to be the bad one or the big bad wolf.  She might get a slap on the wrist for missing work but she won't have any regret and she will be a lot happier person.

Getting what you want takes courage but not always the courage to conquer dragons but the courage to be a jerk, tossing away the nice guy routine and saying screw everyone else cause this is what I want and I'm going to get it and the only way to do is to blow the house down.
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