Sunday, July 4, 2010

The FACE of GOD...the FACE of GAGA

Lady GaGa concertImage via Wikipedia

Recently everywhere on the web I see pictures of Lady Gaga. I don't know this person, don't think I have ever heard her music and I'm actually in no rush to either. But it seems to me there every generation needs a hero, I had them when I was younger and I'm sure Lady Gaga is a hero to many out there these days.

But with all these heroes out there being massed marketed by the media, is the need for these Heroes or Idols simply because we no longer have God in our lives. Perhaps we simply want a god with a better face and a better body...who knows.

But I know for time Marylin Manson was all the rage. Before him it was Brad Pitt and George Clooney and well Brittany Spears. But are these false prophets simply there to replace the invisible image of God what ever you think god might be...for some he is Allah others he's Jehova and still others he's a Cow.

This is our new religion. Worship of the star and everyone is a star these days just go on Youtube. So what do I think

We live in a society where media thrives. When you think of all the technology out there...the internet, cellphones, smart phones and everything else you will see that these are nothing more than channels of communication. I think all this just feeds people's addictions. People become addicted to information and being the age of Aquarius which deals with advancement in technology an information this is the new drug.

So who's next for mass marketing and generation income for media driven corporations. Who's the next big star that will sell hard copies and virtual copies and make people log on to the .COM to generate income for companies. Who will be the most down loaded person on the net. Who knows but from what I see it really doesn't matter. These things are just things to get excited about. They are new and they fill a need and void for a generation of people that seems hollow and empty with new real identigy of its own. These generation seems to borrow more from the past that any other generation...look at all the movie remakes. What was wrong with the Original Karate Kid...nothing. What's wrong with the new one...everything. Its not even karate he's learning, its kung fu.

The people being sold these days are not Bob Dylon protesting the Vietnam WAr. It isn't Bruce Springstien singing about the Cold WAR. It isn't Martin Luther King preaching about Freedom and Equality for a whole segregated group of society. No...its Lady Gaga. Hmmmmm. The new face of a hero..from her pictures I see she is hot and we have become an extremely visual society. Everything is visual even music these days. Though I believe I have read where she's into cuases about the end she is there to be used like joint. Passed around till there is nothing left of her then the Media will do everything to make hamburger of her on her way down.

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