Friday, July 2, 2010

The Give and Take...

With the energy of Saturn going in to Libra the time has come where we must all question our relationships. Are they balanced, are they fair, are we getting as much as we are giving and are we giving as much as we are getting.

When things are new, we are filled with so much excitement, so much energy that we usually tend to over give. Just look at every new love relationship people seem to give without any concern in getting, at least for a while. Then when things level off, the well begins to run dry and then you realize things are not all that well. Sometimes I think it would be nice to go back to that day where things are new. As the days get later you realize that once you do too many things there are very few new thing in life left and that kind of sucks.

I've had to question all my relationships now. Not just personal but everything. My relationships to people, to co workers, to family, to food, to music, to TV, to work, to photography, to writing, and the list goes on and on. Are all these relationships in my life draining me or giving me life. Are they beneficial or hurtful.

For me I find myself most drained when I give more then I receive. When I first started doing pictures for people, I would take a good thousand photos and then come home and fix them and give them away for free. Sure at the beginning I was getting a lot of experience but these days I've learn to cut it down to a mere minimum. Maybe five, ten photos if they are good. In the beginning i was getting something for the trouble i was putting in. But these days there are so many other things to do that I can't spend my whole life on things that give me something in return.

So that is what I'm thinking now. Currently what am I getting out of photography. I think I have invested plenty of time, money, energy, heart and soul to it that I really don't need to invest in it anymore. Not for now though I did just buy two new silver umbrellas but that is my last purchase for it. I think instead of planning I should just go out there do it. Take advantage of what comes along and just do it. Take pictures till the very end where the cameras start falling a part and then there will justification for investing in it again. But simply to put more and more into something that doesn't give back well that is nothing more than a money pit. Not a very good relationship.

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