Wednesday, November 17, 2010

In the spotlight

In this day and age everyone seems to have a camera. The next step on people's minds is usually how can I make some money off of it. Cameras are cheap and used cameras are cheaper than a bargain.

I did some time in the fashion world photographing models for an agency going to fashion shows and all that stuff. It was really short as there really isn't an industry here in Orlando, Florida. Not a real one anyway, just a lot of people with a lot of time and ambition but this is not New York, Paris, and London. It never will be. Even Miami is not these other great fashion cities.

That being said, the fashion industry is just like every other creative industry that promises fame and fortune, the music industry, the movie industry, the writing industry, and the television industry. All these industries are filled with millions of people who all want to do it, be in it, and want to live it but very few actually have the talent and because of the way things are those few talented people are usually never seen or heard.

Back to photography...these days everyone want to have a photography business. I was no different. Sure I do some free lance work sometimes but nothing steady and surely nothing that is going to pay my bills and put food on the table. No all I have is hobby something to have fun with. It doesn't need to be anything else. I think we all want to be in the spotlight these days after spending all our lives watching tv and going to movies its ingrained in our culture we all want to be starts but there is only so many vacancies. Is Justin Beiber really the next Bruce Springstien. Is his work going to set the world on fire. No but he will make much dinero for him, his family, and all the corporations who use to sell sell sell. When his music career dries up he will hit the big screen if he isn't headed there already.

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