Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Interpreting Pluto

Pluto is like an atomic bomb. There is great destruction with Pluto, and great pain. But after its devastation comes a chance for a new life purified from the past. Pluto brings us to True Power, which is only born out of integrity, honesty, and complete surrender to the One Will. From this place of deep peace and wholeness, we are one with Power itself. Pluto's job is to strip away from us all that is false and unreal. All lust, greed, seeking, desire, and need is purified in its fire, until we come to the non-dualistic realization that, in every moment, what is most important is not absent. Only from this place where we have no desire for any kind of gain or increase (which would affirm that we are in lack), can the Universe trust us with its Power. Pluto's not pretty, but then it really doesn't care what you think. Pluto sees the real you, which has nothing to do with the desires of your separate-self sense, and so it often puts you through great pain, lovingly, because it is trying to peel off from you the illusory covering of the ego. Pluto slowly brings one to the realization that nothing Real can ever be threatened.

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