Friday, November 26, 2010

Virgo...the Magic of fairies and angels

Let’s face it. Nothing is good enough for Virgo. Fussy, fussy. Picky, picky. No one knows like a Virgo how hard it is to carve out a little piece of perfection in this world where everyone does things wrong. No wonder that Virgos fret and worry. And if Virgo is in conflict with other energies, amp up the fretting to obsessing. Amp up the worry to anxiety. Thank goodness Virgos (August 22 – September -22) have wings.
As Virgo matures, her wings lift her. She realizes that her job is to bring a piece of Heaven onto Earth and how hard—nearly impossible, she finds, –it is. She learns to compartmentalize and analyze and she learns to discriminate instead of criticize. She infuses her good judgment with compassion which she learns from her opposite sign, Pisces.
The purposes of the Virgo life are many. For one thing, the Virgin Goddess is in charge of the harvest where her gifts of efficiency and discrimination are of high priority. Crops must be picked at the right time, the wheat separated from the chaff. The work is so hard and long it is no wonder Virgo has gotten a bad reputation in modern times where pleasure and instant gratification are the goals. But someone has to do the hard work. It takes someone with wings.
Virgo is in charge of the health and hygiene of the physical body. Virgo rules the cells, the individual components of the body. All health caregivers are under the guidance of the pure and holy virgin goddess. Have you noticed the little wings on nurses?
Virgo is in charge of clean-up. Following that loud and wildly extravagant and creative Leo, someone has to rein matters in. The novel has to be edited. The chef must refine the seasonings. The garden must be weeded. The party mess has to be cleaned up. Who could be happy with this job but an angel?
And Virgo has a secret: work is really a gift. Work brings us into the present where time meets eternity. Work requires focus, pinning the punishing mind to something outside itself. Inner peace is the result. It was probably a Virgo who first said that the idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Without the focus of work, man suffers.
And Virgo has another secret: you can work or be sick. Hypochondria is a disease of the lazy or of those who fancy themselves too good or too special to work.
Mercury is the ruling planet of Virgo, but now the mental realm of the planet of communication is brought through the hands and fingers into the practical realm. Ideas are Gemini. Writing down ideas is Virgo. Early images of the Harvest Goddess show her with a quill in her hand.
The fingertips are ruled by Virgo. This is where we connect to the earth through sensory touch. And since the fingertips are filled with nerves and unusual sensitivity, handwork like knitting or beading are especially healing. Virgos themselves are also very sensitive and you can trust their judgment.
Because it is Virgo’s job to sort and assimilate, the virgin goddess also rules digestion, especially the small intestine where nutrients are sorted from waste.
Virgo is the second earth sign, assuring us that despite the spinster stereotype, the Virgin is sexy. Sophia Loren, for example, is a Virgo. The word virgin originally referred to a woman who was whole unto herself, a woman who doesn’t need a man for her identity, though she may and likely does enjoy his offerings of pleasure. The Vestal Virgins of ancient Greece initiated young men into the world of sexuality.
Please don’t criticize the Virgos in your life. It is so, so painful for them. They were born to mothers who nagged and criticized their fathers, according to astrologer Nancy Cohen. Being willing to overlook goes a long way here.

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