Sunday, November 21, 2010

Neptune in the Second House:

When Neptune is in the second house it means that it will be extremely difficult for the native to reach a comfortable relationship with material possessions. Since Neptune dissipates and dissolves, its effect on this material house of supply is generally unsatisfactory. At best, earnings should come from Neptunian pursuits where the image is sold for the real. This includes movies, film making, television and all such expressions where images or masks are employed for effect. In any case, the native must make an effort to develop a realistic attitude about money and do not put off the issue.

Neptune in the Second House: The most frequent statement made by those with Neptune here is "Where are my life savings? I left them here a moment ago". Wherever Neptune is in our horoscope is the place where we don’t want to look at reality but would rather dream. Treat your money and possessions as if they belonged to someone else. Then you will take better care of them. With Neptune here, there is sometimes guilt associated with money. There can be a tendency to avoid it because money is thought to be "dirty" in some way, or the person feels that they don’t deserve to be rich. Ironically, some with Neptune in the second house can conceive of large scale financial schemes. Neptune is, after all, the planet of imagination. Money can come from medicine and social work (taking care of the poor and the sick), from film or dance (the artistic and imaginative side), or from bartending (Neptune rules alcohol). Drugs come under Neptune as well. If you like that area, better make it a legal drug or chemical company, otherwise you’ll land in another Neptune-ruled place. Prison.

Neptune (to refine) in the House of Possessions

You may prefer to dream of grand schemes rather than to act in reality. You may have a view that money is bad, or you do not deserve it. You should avoid being too charitable and realise that you, yourself, are also a person worthy of a good life. You could make money from caring for the sick, or from film, dance, photography, or music. You may be involved with alcohol, drugs (but ensure the drugs are a legal business) or chemicals. Often you demonstrate an uncanny ability to overcome financial problems, even when they seem insoluble.

Neptune in the 2nd house is generally associated with financial difficulties. Many individuals with this placement chronically struggle with the simplest material demands. They are often creatively gifted yet somehow unable to “make ends meet,” or lose what they have earned though a kind of blindness or disregard for managing the money they earn. But money problems are only a symptom of the Neptunian sea of feelings and longings that lies beneath. Neptune’s secret identification of victim with redeemer may underpin this pattern. A baby rightly assumes the availability of food and physical protection, for there is as yet no separate ego which can think in terms of “mine.” But when an adult unconsciously carries such an assumption, many material troubles may ensue. The compassion of Neptune may be equally in evidence in the 2nd house, for the sense of unity with others may impel the individual to give away everything if someone else is in greater need. And there is often a profound sense of empathy with those who truly cannot cope.

A 2nd house Neptune’s willingness to freely share resources and substance is both heartfelt generosity and at the same a complex enactment of the mother-child bond. If those with Neptune in the 2nd wish to make the most creative use of this challenging placement, the phrase, “I can’t help it,” might fruitfully be banned from speech, to be replaced by the more honest, “I won’t help it,” or, “I am afraid to help it.” Neptune in the 2nd may generate financial difficulties partly because the individual does not wish to have autonomy. Neptune longs to have the sins of materialism, sensuality, greed, and envy (all aspects of the darker face of Venus) expiated, so that the delights of Eden can be enjoyed without guilt. The individual with Neptune in the 2nd may speak of needing to work at something “meaningful” or “higher.” This is in many ways appropriate, for with Neptune placed here one’s most valuable resource is an instinctive sense of the oneness of life. Yet pursuit of a “higher” vocation often means that money is scarce; the “meaningful” thing may be un-saleable, or, more frequently, the person does not work very hard to put it into marketable form. And lurking beneath may be a Neptunian feeling of weakness and helplessness, and the deep-rooted belief that one does not deserve material comfort this side of the grave.

Neptune in the 2nd, badly in need of alliance with Venusian self-appreciation, may express itself as financial victimization and the pain of unlived or unrecognized talents. Yet the individual is often as unconsciously devouring as those whom he or she accuses of greed - Ti’amat manifesting in Taurus’ earth-world in the usual Neptunian hall-of-mirrors fashion.

Even if one earns one’s living through being a vicar or a psychic, the operative phrase with the 2nd house is earning one’s living. One cannot achieve this without recognizing that the Venusian realm of one’s body, one’s sensual pleasures, and one’s material needs is no less sacred than the cosmic sea which gave the body birth.

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