Monday, December 20, 2010

Comparison kills creativity

We learn by mimicking. Its how we learn to walk, talk, and do just about everything else.  There is nothing wrong with it at the beginning.

The problem the forms for creativity in mimicking or comparing our selves to other is that it creates unrealistic standards for us and even limits us from being ourselves trully and fully.

When I was writer, I would read all the great writers and want to be like them I was greatly disappointed when I could not write like Dumas, Dickens, King, etc.  I became unhappy, frustrated, and disillusioned with my abilities as a writer.  With music I did the same always trying to copy the sound of who ever was popular at the time.  With photography I compare my work to others all the time and even at times try to emulate someone else's style.

Comparison kills creativity.  Comparing yourself to other is hard thing to avoid because we want to strive to be like the best even though that is someone else's natural abilities and by living up to their standards we never really tap into our great natural abilities.

So I'm giving up comparing myself which is hard to do because I don't like to take risks and chances I don't like messing up but I figure its the only way to create anything that really comes from me even if it stinks it will be my creation and not something inspired by someone else and me simply trying to living up to someone else's style and abilities.

By not comparing work to others I will have the freedom to do what ever and not feel bad that it is not appropriate or standards.  Sure I might create a lot of garbage but I also might create something that is work of art.

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