Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Astroscope: Uranus transits the Third House

Image of Uranus obtained in 2005 by ACS on HST...Image via Wikipedia
By Transit
As Uranus transits the Third House, a person is freed from many aspects of the conditioning, which have formed his reality. At this time he tends to question and reject much that, hitherto, he has accepted without question. There is frequently, an enhanced interest in occult and psychic matters, especially if H 3 is tenanted. The discipline and structure of formal education rarely has much appeal at this time, as the mind is restless and questioning.
Relationships with others, particularly those who were part of the environment in which a person was brought up are frequently put under strain by this transit, which makes a person critical and disinclined to accept prevailing views and attitudes.
A change of locality is likelihood during a transit of Uranus to H 3, and most commonly occurs as Uranus approaches the last degrees of the house.
By Progression
When Uranus moves through the Third House by progression, a person’s reality is subjected to major revision, as is the case with the transit. Much that, hitherto, had been accepted without question is examined and rejected, although this process takes place over a much longer period than is the case with the transit. Over time he is likely to put a greater distance between himself and the people, circumstances and ideas, which have formed his reality in his earlier years. Physical estrangements and removals may have a part to play in this process.
By the time Uranus leaves H 3 a person is likely to have changed his views and outlook in a very substantial way.

This is happening to me already.  I have been questioning who I am and what I believe and why I and why I believe in such things.  I relaize that my whole life is based on the cultural and soceity moldings of where I live, who I have been in contact with, and it is rather a flat characterization of who I really am. I can not fit myself into someone else' mold and views of who or what I am suppose to be anymore.

What I see is that the world is very big place with billions of poeple from all over with different views, different cultures, beliefs and languages.  Not everyeone sees things the same way.  My beliefs have all been formed by American Television but is this really the way the world is.  No

It has been hard but I'm starting to let go of TV and movies, and all those things that once excited me and I guess I want to go more to books.  I miss reading. I used to read a lot when I was younger and even though words are made up by a writer with a distinct person vision the way the words work in everyone's minds is different.  There I can create the world as I want to and I don't have to be a slave to anyone else interpretation.

I have always felt like a round peg trying to fit in a square hole.  Maybe I just need to find a different place, mind, space, world, that I fit in.  LIke the bumblebee girl from the Blind Melon song, "No Rain."
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