Monday, December 13, 2010

Dealing with Stress of Success

Accepting success can be a difficult thing.  It requires change.  It requires us to change our lives, like...heck when I was a failure I could lie in bed all day and watch cartoons now I have to call clients and set up meetings.  Life can get complicated really quick.

Success requires you to deliver.  Sure you can dream about success but in the end you have to know what you are doing, you have to have the right tools to do them, and lastly but most important you have deliver with your goods and services.

Success has been out of my reach for a long long time.  I was more prepared for it a decade ago than I am now.  But lately I have had clients calling me out of the blue to schedule events.  There is a tendency in me to self sabotage or want to self sabotage all because success is very scary.  When I look at me I am used to staying home after work and just watching to relaxing now I'm out and about taking pictures and here and there working with people I don't really know.  Its all a lot of change...a lot to take in, and it gets very stressful.

For me it also comes down to confidence like driving the car for the first time, once you get that one time under you belt then you can say hey I can do this.  I shot an event last night.  It was my first event where I felt like I knew what i was doing.  I have shot events before but this was my first Xmas party at a club.  It was interesting.  I'm not your average person when people see me they always have to pass a judgemental glance almost asking can this guy really pull it off.  But I have the skills and I have now the confidence in my tools.  Which is the best thing any service man can have.  If you can believe in you tools, in yourself, then you are unstoppable.  I remember reading about this photography who once for got his hear or maybe it was lost on a plane so he improvised and shot everything on his cell phones sure it sounds good but he had the top of the line cell phone camera.  He chose the phones for its camera capabilities first, for its communication's abilities seconds.  the pictures came out really good and many photographers wanted to know what cell phoens he was using. to get one themselves.  But really have the right tools, knowing how your equpement works, will save you a lot of headaches. It is a relationship in its self.

But still dealing with Success can be tiring, and it is easy to run away from it to the comfort of failure because our lives don't have to change but then again if you always do what you've always done you'll alwasy be where you are.  Ask yourself is where you are now really such a pretty there somewhere you want to get to, somewhere else you'd rather be, live, etc.  I would think ..YES

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