Saturday, December 18, 2010

Creativity needs you to Get Bored

When i look back to the seventies, eighties, and even the early nineties I look at the amazing creativty that was abound.  From music, to movies, to just about anything from diets to work out machines, it seemed there was just an amazing overload of creativity and talent.

These days there is still creativity but it seems more technologically based and things like art and media seem a little boring or just not as engaging.  I think the root cause is that people are not as bored as they used to be.  There are just too many things to use up your time on to keep you from being bored enough to create.  In fact the impulse to keep boredom away is so powerful that as soon as a person feels the slightest bit of discomfort from boredom they are off on their cell phones, texting, webbing, or calling. 

Or on the computer playing games, surfing the web, or watching movies and videos.  We've become less creative or givers and more recievers or users.   So I'm planning on making myself really bored soon. Taking way a lot of the distraction that i use to combat boredom.  It will be hard.  I'm sure it will be as hard to curing an heroin addiction becuuse it all lnked to the same dopamine and serotnin response in the breain.  The brain feel discomfort must seek pleasure.
Must have stimulation no matter what it is.  This will be a hard road to follow but I will try.

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